It would seem that at work, at home and now amongst my fellow anoraks here - I am surrounded by miscreants and ne'er do wells. John Passmore has been writing an article in Yachting World - namely Dogwatch - and he's just written his last one. The articles have generally been a bit lightweight - I see him as a kind of Libby Purves on steroids sort of a figure. Anyway - I just thought that his last article was a bit odd and thats it really. If you skinnyflinted teuchters would get down to your local papershop and buy one you'd understand and not start bandying those hurtful remarks around about my bilges - which it has to be said - have never been freer of a cauli for many a long day. I could of course really mix you one here as Dear Heart herself cleaned then and when I tell her what you've said about her......have you got your wills made out boys?
Oho! But a while ago you sort-of claimed you had cleaned the bilges out all by yourself. NOW we finally hear that hardworking Mrs C has done the main manual work, presumably with you in a "supervisory role", and whilst not actually "not lifting a finger" the only time you DID lift a finger was to release the bilge pump switch?
"henry is a water sucking hoover typie thing. Having a very deep bilge which had just begun to pong a bit towards the end of the season - I spent Saturday sloshing and possing a mixture of gallons of hot water, bilge cleaner flash and dettol down there and using the bilge pumps to empty it out into a container via a tube to the skin fitting. The strum box prevents the final bit of water being pumped out - enter henry. Result - pristine, dry sweet smelling bilges. "
I'm doing fine. Sitting here at work resolving problems, whilst everyone else is enjoying themselves in Tobermory for the weekend.
Your a very brave man even suggesting that France will go through - the 'Scots are anti-English' brigade will track you down and scratch your gelcoat you know.....
Wifie will not go back aboard Rebel until March - and then just to see what changes I've made and nod approvingly.
Frankly I'm surprised and not a little dissappointed by your remarks - but on the other hand heartened that you hang so on my every word.
I'm not sure how it goes in your house but my idea of a good clean - reference your quotation of my previous post - is not necessarily Dear Heart's idea of a good clean. True - i did all the manly stuff slaving over the hot vacuum for hours on end - but its those little corners and the attention to finer detail that Dear Heart is strong on.... My Mother used to take a similar stance over my ability to wash and hence my embarrasment at having to endure her insistence that before I was returned to boarding school, she would supervise my final bath. I really think she should have trusted me from around 12 onwards, but even in my final year the words 'No lad of mine is going back to school without me knowing that he's had a proper wash' normally preceded my neck being attacked by coal tar and pumice.
So to return to the point - any one of us would have been entirely happy with the job I did...not so Dear Heart.
mm I have a sneaking suscpicion that Claymore is distilling the fermented Caulis from his bilges into an firewater that would have Old Nick on his knees..