is 50 to old for a change in life


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22 Jul 2005
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tHanks guys ,,sorry about the mid,, thread glitch with the pc,,im really at a cross roads,,i seem to have a fair bit of cash a potential income,,, no ties it all seems to good


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11 Mar 2002
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Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behing you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun


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25 Jun 2001
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tHanks guys ,,sorry about the mid,, thread glitch with the pc,,im really at a cross roads,,i seem to have a fair bit of cash a potential income,,, no ties it all seems to good

[/ QUOTE ]

Christ! If that's all your problems then just do it! A load of cash and time on your hands and the a regular private income - is there really an option?!

On the other hand, if you've got cash to invest then pm me! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif In a boaty environment of course /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


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24 Jun 2003
Gibraltar, Small Boats Marina
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Bloody Hell,

My Parents re-opened ythat pub and named it the Shepherds Rest back in 1988! Before that it was a Bass 'fun pub' and got shut doen for Drugs. Later on my brother ran it! It really is a small world and we were not the ones who aranged the Fell Running....mnaybe drinking marathans though /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif



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24 Jun 2003
Gibraltar, Small Boats Marina
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Well it is your decision but.....

A life changing decision will always come about because of an event in your life that makes you reconsider your lifestyle.

In the mid 1990's I was living in Glasgow, had spent 5 years slaving away at Sainsburys climbing the management ladder and working 70 hour weeks on shifts for a pitance. After the motgage and Car running costs we had no money ever but also had no debt. In the end I bought a GP14 Sailing dinghy and took it once a week to Loch Lomond and realised what I had been missing (ie a life!) for 5 years when I had no boat. In 1997 I bought a Leisure 17 (saily again ...sorry) much to SWMBO's disgust....but it got me away and I relaxed. One night whilst sleeping on Lock Lomond I realised I had to change my life, and start to enjoy it.

In 1998 I quit Sainsburys and Joined the corporate ladder which actually involved a Pay Cut but I knew I would be better off within a few years (and it was Mon-Fri). For SWMBO it was the last straw who dutifully left me. For 3 months I saw everythinbg I had worked for disappear.

Then in January 1999 I went to Earls Court and bought my first MOBO and it was brand new! The world seemed a brighter place ever since then. Yes I now have debt for the boat, and we have to be careful not to overspend over the Winter but being able to get away to the boat is just amazing.

When I look back now I realise that the boat de-stresses the whole family and if I had got SWMBO no1 into it things might have been different. I am still on the corporate ladder but a lot higher up, however now I have a reason and I love her to bits (my boat!).

So make that change before you are forced to. You only live once so go for it.


A very Happy Paul /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Well-known member
17 Mar 2006
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as above \\cant sail ,,but have day skipper,,, power,,,what would you do house sold l plenty off income from rentals abroad .should i,,,

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm 46, similar situation, and depart on 13 August. So.. no it's not too late, and if it's what you want to do, you should do it...

However, from your responses, I sense some reluctance, so it may not be what you want to do?


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23 Jan 2005
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I left the navy a long time ago.
In spite of all the pleading and crocodile tears from SWMBO I still left after my 12, my only reward being that Prince Phillip and I had something in common, him being an Admiral and me being a stoker we were both at the height of our naval careers.
As I was provided with a council house I thought it only right that I should return the favor so I told the council they could employ me in any way they saw fit. I was pleasantly surprised to find they had so much confidence in me they had given me control over a large section of the inner city streets and I was part of a team that was charged with keeping the traffic flow moving during working hours. We did this primarily by not allowing vehicles to be stopped to long in any one place.
I loved the job, and knew I had made the right decision, out in the fresh air, lots of exercise and meeting and dealing with the general public but best of all was I got to wear a uniform. The little ticket machine I was given was to introduce me to IT and soon I had risen though supervisor to Chief warden.
As I was earning more revenue for the council than anyone ever had before I was put in the fast track for promotion and sent to Tech 2 days a week to study parkingology.
Then briefly in the early eighties I was headhunted by a video security company and
I am proud to say that I was involved with the first cameras that were fitted in Pay-n-display car parks enabling the operators to keep an eye on their investment 24/7.
Then realizing the potential for a breakthrough in road safety I put forward a groundbreaking idea that we should fit roadside cameras to have a look at what was happening at accident black spots. This Idea was taken up and now I’m proud to say we in Britain enjoy a nationwide network of roadside cameras second to none that enables the road safety departments of many local councils to study closely the different driving techniques around the country. Truly a miracle of modern technology.
As I receive a small commission from these cameras I took early retirement and was placed under police protection for a while, sharing a flat with S. Rushdie.

Now as I relax on my boat at Puerto Solento I’m happy that I have made driving on Britain’s roads a safer If not a richer experience.

Just do it.