info on Tankard 24 & BritaSprite engine


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2 Oct 2002
Solent UK
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I am looking for information about the Tankard 24 which I have which needs restoring. Also the inboard petrol engine, Brita Sprite, which is out of commission. Sight of owners manuals etc would be welcomed and I would return originals fairly promptly of course. Any information gratefully received, thanks.

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30 Jan 2003
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I know it is not what you are asking for, but I noticed a rebuilt Brit Sprite engine for sale on e-bay, item number 2481821659. May be of interest if you decide yours is completely out of commission.

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Well-known member
28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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Hello Christine again it is not what you are asking for however I think the Tankard 24 you speak of was built in some numbers here in West Oz by I presume a local builder about 30+ years ago. I had an aquaintance who had one but that was 30 years ago at least. (he went back to England) The cabin top is flush with the gunwhales which in side gives a lot of head room out to the gunwhale. The boat was not super fast but was stiff and heavy to cope well with choppy water. Of course the only similarity of your boat with the ones I have in mind may only be the name.
As for motors you need to have an idea of what kind of sailing or motoring you will do as there is much to be said for fitting a long shaft outboard . You get more room inside and no smell no problems with electrolysis or folding props with an outboard. You do need to be able to lift it off the transom however. You can have decent electric generation with an inboard and more positive thrust against a choppy sea. You might find a small diesel is better if ionly for the retail value of the boat. Actually I am hardly a cross section of opinion on motors as on my 21 footer I leave the motor home for 99% of trips only using it for tackling bridges with the mast down or expected dead calms in late autumn. paddles can work very well in a calm any way.
As for your asking details on the Tankard that kind of worries me. I see a lot of people wanting to restore boats to orriginal design. I would relish the chance to redesign rigging, layout etc and I reckon you could do as well or better than the original designer (considering his cost restraints) and if you don't you can have a lot of fun trying. Just look at lots of other boats around your size and talk to lots of other people. regards and best wishes will

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New member
2 Oct 2002
Solent UK
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Thanks for answering my post. I confirm that I do not intend to restore to original condition, I get the feeling that these boats were often completed by the owners to individual requirements. However I cannot find sail number or other details and the previous owner does not know where they have stored any available paperwork as their children and grandchildren used the boat in later years. The engine is disconnected and various other components have been undone etc for restoration/repainting/repair. Interested to know how this marque handled at sea though, so thanks for your encouragement and I will continue to work on her. Regards Chris

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