Indigo - the case for the defence


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3 May 2003
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I had to go to Dublin for a couple of days when I returned so I've only just caught up with the posts.

Firstly, many thanks to Ken and Parahandy for hosting me on their boats (I had the "buy-one-get-one-free" crossing, starting on Indigo, then transferring to Passing Trade).

As a former trailer-sailer with a longest single passage of six hours across Lyme Bay, this was quite an experience (my only other comparison was a week's course on a Starlight 35, where we had the fun of F6's. Another marvellous boat but that's another story). Thanks all for putting up with my relative inexperience.

Last weekend, I always felt safe and secure, and this was for the usual two obvious reasons: the crew and the boats.

<font color=blue>Indigo</font color=blue>. Yes, we turned back after six hours but the boat positively groaned at the request because she was in her element. This was my first experience of a long-keeled boat and I hope it won't be my last. We only managed to slap the hull down on the waves twice - the bow just rises majestically into the sky and then descends majestically, however steep the wave. The bow never seems to leave the water and just cleaves a path through the sea, whatever the angle. Nothing violent, nothing alarming and a very pleasant and reassuring motion. It also tracks very straight and wasn't going to be thrown off line by wave or wind. Although quite low down in the cockpit, I thought it demonstrated the size of the seas in that we lost sight of the IoW occasionally at the bottom of a trough even though it was just off our starboard beam. Indigo did have a slightly wetter cockpit than Passing Trade but, having read a few other reports, I don't think we had anything to worry about.

Finally, Ken is being modest. It was not an immediately unanimous decision to turn back but it was a good decision because there's no point in pressing on if one (or more) member of the crew is not happy.

I'd be happy to ride on Indigo again anytime, and would choose it in preference to some more modern machinery I have experienced.

<font color=blue>Passing Trade</font color=blue>. Long keeled, longer hull, higher freeboard, and another six tons to help stability and punch through the waves... marvellous! I doubt Passing Trade will win many races but I also doubt there was a better boat to be on for the return trip. We were averaging over six knots on the way back and she appeared very comfortable. I think the best testimony is that Ken managed to get many hours of well-deserved kip on the outbound trip, and Jimi managed to stay below for the whole return whilst recuperating (and he didn't even drink that much to deserve it in the first place, poor sod).

Ultimate speed isn't everything, and Para is obviously a wise and happy man.

Lastly, it was a great pleasure meeting everyone there. Knowing what you had to put up with there and back, it was an exceptionally good turnout and one that you can all be proud of. I'll see if I can finish my boat in time for next year's!



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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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mmm.... ah weel .. ah'll get ma hedex extra fae Tesco's ... serves me right for drinking Safeway's cider mixed with Sainsbury's blackcurrant .. I too am older and wiser .. Still think the Passing Wind wid go faster if she hid dacent sails insteed o' manky auld yins ..

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Active member
18 Nov 2001
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michty, orra nithing wrang wi ma sails ... youse somnabulent body wis carted far enuff wi them ...

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Well-known member
2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
Re: Lyme Bay

Portland to Dartmouth in six hours, I'm impressed /forums/images/icons/cool.gif

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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Re: Lyme Bay

Why not though? Portland Bill to Dartmouth is only 42mls, 6hrs at 7kts SOG, pefectly possible with a spring tide and a free wind, I did it in an Elizabethan 30 years back and have done Poole to Dartmouth (68mls) in 10 hrs many times since in our previous Westerly 33. Our current Jeanneau Sun Legende 41 took just 9hrs last year from Poole and was nowhere near flat out, just a sizeable bit of tide-assist especially from St Albans to past Portland (went by at over 9kts SOG). Start by using the back eddy to get from Poole to St Albans for slack water, that gives some 7 hours from there before the foul tide starts. Of course in an ASCB (Average Slow Classic Boat) instead of a NSAWB (Not So Average White Boat) it would seem very fast, but then they do have a nice 'big boat' motion', just up and down though instead of forwards! Sorry, couldn't resist the dig, not aimed either at the Countess.... :0)

It is all a question of waterline length really, you either have it or you don't (unless you have a multihull).

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