In Hull transducers connecting to plotters

Leisure 27

6 May 2015
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I have a Lowrance Plotter connected to a Airmar through hull depth transponder. The Airmar as been fitted at a 45 degree angle by the previous owner which is proberbly why it is malfunctioning. My solution was to buy a P79 Raymarine in hull depth sounder of which you can adjust the angle and a Raymarine Element S plotter which would then connect to my Raymarine Auto Helm. However Force 4 say the P79 will not connect to the Element ???? The much more expensive Axiom will connect but only with a adapter socket ?????? I liked the Element because it was reasonable priced but most of all it had buttons as well as touch screen like my Lowrance which I think are more reliable. The Axiom is only touch screen unless you buy an expensive extra and I have no where to fit it. The idea that the plotter is connected to the Auto Helm sounds really good but is it worth all this extra money. Do I have to have a Raymarine plotter to connect my Raymarine auto helm to it. I will be contacting the companies shortly but would be grateful to anyone who as knowledge about this. The boat is a Leisure 27 sailing boat.


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I didn't think that the P79 catered for angles of 45 degrees.

Not knowing the Element item that you mention, I suspect that the adapter socket could be the iTC-5 instrument transducer converter. I've got one for all my transducers to that the eS series plotter can display the data. It basically converted the signals to Sea Talk ng which is very similar to the latest nema? data.

Raymarine iTC-5 Instrument Transducer Converter

Leisure 27

6 May 2015
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I didn't think that the P79 catered for angles of 45 degrees.

Not knowing the Element item that you mention, I suspect that the adapter socket could be the iTC-5 instrument transducer converter. I've got one for all my transducers to that the eS series plotter can display the data. It basically converted the signals to Sea Talk ng which is very similar to the latest nema? data.

Raymarine iTC-5 Instrument Transducer Converter
The P79 adjusts up to 22 percent which I hope will be enough to fit it upright. No attempt was made to fit the airmar correctly.