I'm Fed Up!


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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I\'m Fed Up!

After 2800 and odd uninteligable and self deficating posts. After writting Littoral classics. Harrowing tales of adventures on the high seas, explosive bogs, whiskey bottle shaped scud missiles. I have completely drained myself of works of art.

Only Mark Tuckwell has come close, nigh even surpassed the ability to create mayhem at sea in a consistently orderly fashion. Unfortunately he has now retired for the time being at least. Though his rain was only short lived. R.I.P.

We have loads of newbies in the wings now, all with tales to tell, or are they shy?? Or maybe everything always goes to plan!! Maybe no one ever goes anywhere remotely exciting , or nothing breaks. There’s a long winter ahead. We need long detailed reports. In instalments if necessary.
Nothing left out, no matter how embarrassing . Its your duty as fellow forumites to seek out and go, where no man has been before. Or at least not many. To do the impossible or at least improbable.
All in the quest of finding us all some amusement for the months ahead. Not forgetting of course, to be plotting and planning the disasters ahead. I await your responce with guarded expectation. /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

<font color=blue>Haydn


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29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Re: I\'m Fed Up!

You'll be wanting me to give you the unexpurgated and unabridged version of 3 men in a boat or 'How Coliholic made cream teas whilst boatone cleaned the primary seawater filters and tcm dreamed of a 5 mile run up a ditch' next........

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23 Feb 2002
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Me too ..

Haydn, Dear, I've lived a life of woe, there have been tears lining every cloud, a thorn in every rose. However I still try to look on the bright side and one day I know my prince wil come! Colin, that nice Mr TCM's friend, is going to decorate my boat for me so I'm looking forward to that, and to meeting him. I've bought some cork floor tiles for the cabin sole and am going to get him to stick them all down. I know he's a bit of an alcoholic, (though he says he is'nt, but do'nt they all) and my plan is to keep giving him strong drink and hopefully that will keep him calm. Do you want to join in the boat decorating to brighten up your life. Perhaps we could even have a boat decorating party, do you think that would be a good idea? We could get the Rev PaulineB along as well to give us some spiritual guidance and keep us on the straight and narrow.

Luv & Kisses


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Re: I\'m Fed Up!

I'm fed up too. I just had a Ham & mashed Swede Sandwich. Oh the joys of being single and allowed to eat what I want when I want. For supper I'm gonna have a boil in the bag kipper sandwich. Lovely being fed up with what I want. 7 more days of freedom ..



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Me too ..

Now what a miserable attempt of journalistic wit on the high seas. Cork floor tiles indeed, Is there no depths of depravity you wont sink to Jimmie. I'll tell your wife!

<font color=blue>Haydn


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9 Jun 2002
Savannah 32 00.50N - 80 59.90W
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Re: I\'m Fed Up!

Never mind about your stomach now, although by the looks of your piccie thing it must require a near constant flow of nourishment, we are still waiting for you to reveal all about the Morse Control/Greasy Cables tale.

PS Tony how do I get this link to go where I want it to.
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.arweb.co.uk/aralbums>http://www.arweb.co.uk/aralbums</A>

"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."..........I think????<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by h00 on 09/11/2002 15:00 (server time).</FONT></P>


23 Feb 2002
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Re: Me too ..

Sorry if I've upset you but I just wanted to share some of the rich diversity of my current situation with you in the hope that it might cheer you up! I'm not a journalist nor do I have any friends who are, indeed after the recent News of the World article about me and my operation, published without my consent or approval, I have a thorough loathing for the press in any shape or form. I do'nt have a wife now, I did once but the marriage was annulled and then I accidentally ran her over. This was of course before the operation.
Whats wrong with putting cork tiles on the floor?

Does HLB stand for "Haydn little babe"?


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Bury Black Puddings

Went to the infamous Bury market today. Not a nautical tale you ask. Ah but on the way thare was an enormouse puddle and the car got splashed. Any way Bury market is very large and has a Massive butchery and fish market all to it's self. So bought a big bag full of mussels to have for our tea. (thats the nautical bit over. Anyway it is traditial when visiting Bury market, to go to the Original Bury Black Pudding stall for Boiled black puddings with viniger and mustard. But we thought and codigated cos we'd just bought the mussels and garlic. So missed out on the black puddings or maybe could not eat tea. They are very filling.

Is that the best we can come up with.

<font color=blue>Haydn


23 Feb 2002
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Re: Bury Black Puddings

I'm really sorry your car got splashed , that must have been really depressing. Anyway thats one of the penalties of living in Yorkshire, it always seems to rain there. It is always a bit brighter and drier in Manchester, I think its something to do with Beckham's bottom.

Black puddings are a favourite of mine, they remind me of someone I used to know. Does HLB stand for "Haydn likes blackpuddings"?


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23 Jul 2001
Malvern, Worcs
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Re: Bury Black Puddings

I''m amazed how well you took that - mixing up the RED and WHITE roses !!! /forums/images/icons/shocked.gif

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30 Jan 2002
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Re: I\'m Fed Up!

So you never guess what ??
The tug is very nearly sold !!!!!
err err what am I to do now
cos a blokes got to have some thing to work on suffer on and relish
Any way the next in line might be a 40 ft thing, wooden ex cockle boat , trouble is it's flat bottomed . Yes unusual but true , after giving the tug a run up and down in Wells harbour ( bit of BRRRRUUUUUUMMMMM BBBRRRRRRUUUMMMMM )
We traveled back towards Hunstanton
WOW you should have seen em loads there were flying along the cliff edge , the sight was almost surreal .WHAT WHAT I hear you say Parrascending chaps or chappeses .A wonderful sight to see people soaring the breeze .
On the way I thought it was worth a look at Thornham cos there are a few boats there ,guess what another old trawler had a for sale notice on it , ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh
looks good 40 ft wood round bilge with fin keels, cabin forwards of the wheelhouse so big enough to go out and stay out .self draining decks even posh hand rails not long fitted . Generally the condition seemed reasonable and the paint looked ok as well.
I rang the Mobil number to ask the price , now I reckoned about 4k would be great 6 k fair no reply so off to Boston to look at the ex cockle boat .
While there staring down waiting for the automatic bilge pump to come on so that the stop watch could be started to find out how much it's taking the phone went . It was the fella re the trawler at Thornham he said 12 k !!!!!!!!!!!! , I never saw the gold so that was the end of that one I told him it was to much for me .

Ten mins later the phone went him again this time he said how much were you thinking I said around 6k oh he says well after waffle you could have it for 8k with out the electronics ( unreal or what ). I stuck to my guns as you do and he then said if I don't get any where selling it I'll get back to you ......
Could be maybe job but got to carry on looking .
I got chatting to some of the lads who were working on their boats next to the cockle thingy . Amazing how after five min's I found out it was taking water and needed tightening up ( you know recorking ) mmmmmmmm it's one of those difficult ones this they want 2k but the engine and box ford d6 are not worth that so do I don't I .The budget would have to allow 2k to do the job re possible planking , corking and the inevitable unforeseen .

The Witham really had a flow on the speed easily 9 knots not much of a place to fall in this I though as I hopped across from boat to boat .
There are boats up north I mean really up north so I may be going for a very long drive to look see and try to see as many as possible in the one trip .

Well that's Saturday done with

I want a big steel ex trawler or tug v, cheap or swap for tug


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11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: ghostwriting!

We don't have your way with words, and couldn't amuse anyone with our tales of seamanship.

You've run out of material

Simple: we pm you basic details of trip/disaster/apocryphal story, and you suitably embellish it for the forum

Wotcha think? /forums/images/icons/smile.gif


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: I\'m Fed Up!

Well at last we got a proper answer. Not thrilling I admit. But at least a trier. Well done MTB. But I'm sure others can beat you if they try...........Hopefully.

<font color=blue>Haydn