You are either trying to wind us up (and it's too early for someone like me to appreciate it) or you're a right 'div'.
Does that answer your question ?
Was the name of Harry Enfield's kebab shop owner on (?) Friday night live. He started his monologue each week by saying "hello everybody peeps". It was based on a real guy, who ran the local kebab shop that Enfield and Paul Whitehouse used to use and who was interviewed several times on chat shows. This was absolutely hilarious, because Enfield's impersonation of him was deadly accurate - though very affectionate. I though it was actually much funnier than the Loadsamoney character, for all that he was a telling comentary on the "sod you" ethos of the times.
Friday Night Live (think that's what it was called) was a great show and launched the careers of several people who are now staples of the comedy scene, and in particular Ben Elton, who hosted it - if only he'd stuck to being funny rather than turning his hand to writing unfunny books and crap stage musicals.............
<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho