New member
I have just spent about 5 hours trying to drain the water out of my fuel filters and I have still not been able to do it. The sequence of events went like this:
a) Wander down to boat this morning, feeling happy that I was going to do something constructive for the day.
b) Open up the engine hatch and get down to work.
c) Realise that this filters were not quite so easy as I thought.
d) Drop a tiny little bolt into the nasty horrible bilge water
e) Spend 30 minutes looking and feeling around for the said bolt.
f) Drop glasses into nasty horrible bilge water.
g) Spend 30 minutes feeling for my glasses.
h) Find glasses.
i) Spend 30 minutes looking for the bolt. (Which I can now LOOK for as I have found my glasses!!)
j) Find bolt.
k) No1 brat arrives from school.
l) Push, ferret like No1 brat into engine room in the hope he can reach the filters.
m) No1 brat emerges from Engine room saying he can't reach the fuel filters.
n) Rubbish, I say and push him back down.
o) No1 brat leaps out while I am not watching.
p) I have another go at trying to reach the filters,,,,,No chance!
q) I now take off the massive great big exhaust thing to get to the filters.
r) Spend 30 minutes taking the great big exhaust thing off.
s) This makes no differnce whatsoever.
t) Drop one of the bolts in the nasty horrible bilge water.
u) Spend 30 minutes looking for the bolt in the nasty horrible bilge water.
v) Find the bolt
w) Put the great big exhaust thing back on.
x) Start the engines
y) Discover smoke pouring out of the great big exhaust thing.
z) Take off the great big exhaust thing and tighten it up again.
aa) Start the engine and whoppee everything works.
bb) Still haven't checked the filters.
cc) Move to the lazzarette thing.
dd) Take out the log to clean the paddle wheels.
ee) Get soaked by water.
ff) Put log back in.
gg) Dash off out to the Nab Tower for a well earned ride with No1 brat.
HOW DO YOU GET TO THE FUEL FILTERS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I've got a boat at last!!!
I have just spent about 5 hours trying to drain the water out of my fuel filters and I have still not been able to do it. The sequence of events went like this:
a) Wander down to boat this morning, feeling happy that I was going to do something constructive for the day.
b) Open up the engine hatch and get down to work.
c) Realise that this filters were not quite so easy as I thought.
d) Drop a tiny little bolt into the nasty horrible bilge water
e) Spend 30 minutes looking and feeling around for the said bolt.
f) Drop glasses into nasty horrible bilge water.
g) Spend 30 minutes feeling for my glasses.
h) Find glasses.
i) Spend 30 minutes looking for the bolt. (Which I can now LOOK for as I have found my glasses!!)
j) Find bolt.
k) No1 brat arrives from school.
l) Push, ferret like No1 brat into engine room in the hope he can reach the filters.
m) No1 brat emerges from Engine room saying he can't reach the fuel filters.
n) Rubbish, I say and push him back down.
o) No1 brat leaps out while I am not watching.
p) I have another go at trying to reach the filters,,,,,No chance!
q) I now take off the massive great big exhaust thing to get to the filters.
r) Spend 30 minutes taking the great big exhaust thing off.
s) This makes no differnce whatsoever.
t) Drop one of the bolts in the nasty horrible bilge water.
u) Spend 30 minutes looking for the bolt in the nasty horrible bilge water.
v) Find the bolt
w) Put the great big exhaust thing back on.
x) Start the engines
y) Discover smoke pouring out of the great big exhaust thing.
z) Take off the great big exhaust thing and tighten it up again.
aa) Start the engine and whoppee everything works.
bb) Still haven't checked the filters.
cc) Move to the lazzarette thing.
dd) Take out the log to clean the paddle wheels.
ee) Get soaked by water.
ff) Put log back in.
gg) Dash off out to the Nab Tower for a well earned ride with No1 brat.
HOW DO YOU GET TO THE FUEL FILTERS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I've got a boat at last!!!