I Don't believe it!!! (nb)


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12 Nov 2002
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I Don\'t believe it!!! (nb)

A friend of mine has been having big problems with his left shoulder. After going to the docs many times trying all sorts of potions the doc decides that an X Ray is called for.
Friend duly attends local hospital and as an NHS patient waits the prescribed 2 hours for his turn.
His turn comes and radiologist asks him to put his right shoulder on the table, he immediately says sorry your mistake it’s my left that’s giving me the grief, at this point the big wheels of bureaucracy wheel into motion. Yes you’ve guessed it; it’s the right shoulder or nothing because the paperwork says right.

End result, he has to make a new appointment with his GP get him to cross out right and insert left then make a new appointment with the hospital.

Now as a taxpayer contributing to the NHS, is it beyond the wit of these people to solve a simple mistake and save loadsa money and agro?

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26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
Re: I Don\'t believe it!!! (nb)

I kind of agree but I suspect that they have to cover their own back against loonies who insist on the wrong shoulder being x-rayed and then sue the NHS because they didn't diagnose a problem.

Sounds mad, but I bet it's happened...............

<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho
16 May 2001
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Re: I Don\'t believe it!!! (nb)

Your friend should have "boxed clever" and told them that it had moved into his other shoulder!!

It probably IS a liability thing.

Trouble is that there are a lot of people out there who think that doctors go through all that training, late nights, days without sleep and end up earning less than an electrician or a plumber and have a motive to hurt people for the fun or gain of it.

If I get the help of a doctor I see it as just that - "Help". I would NEVER sue a health authority for negligence as ANY doctor only functions in the patients best interests without malicious intent. However IF malicious intent is present then YES I will hold my hand out for compensation but an honest mistake is all too readily interpreted as incompetence or malpractice. Then the legal vultures get their claws in.

My two sons are currently both in medical training. They get signed up by the Medical Defence Union within days of starting their courses.

My mother lost sister in the 1940s because the doctor didn't arrive on time due to workload. Daresay if it happened today, some NHs "suit" would run an enquiry and some damages specialist lawyer would have been on the family's doorstep within days.

Steve Cronin

<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion


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30 Nov 2002
UK East Coast
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Re: I can solve debacle

First - you draw up a list -
All degree's that are socially valuable - Medical, Vets, Sciences Teachers - plus a couple of old fashioned "proper degrees like modern langauages, English, History and Geography - their students pay nothing and get full grants.

Then you get all the "others" - no use degree's - Media studies, politics etc -and you charge those students whatever's required to fund the universities requirements.

Finally - you get law students AND law graduates - these are charged extra - mainly 'cos they seem to be - as a profession - getting like US Lawyers - parasitical (if there is such a word - like parasites). This money is used as a contingency - and as a bonus may encourage them to emigrate.

Problem solved!

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9 Jun 2003
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Re: I Don\'t believe it!!! (nb)

Heard on the radio this morning, a mother put "nail glue" into her childs eyes instead of the fluid for conjunctivitis. Childs sight may be damaged but the mother is consulting solicitors because the two bottles were very similar!

When will people take responsibility for their own actions?

<hr width=100% size=1>My drinking team has a sailing problem


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9 Jan 2003
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Re: I Don\'t believe it!!! (nb)

Probably win too, then child can consult lawyer to sue Mother for being dense cow. Mother can then counter sue for little sod being large at birth causing unnecassary pain during birth, Mother can then sue little sod's father for his part in causing pain of child birth. Little sod's Father can sue cos mother wasted his last bottle of glue.....................! Think I'll go to bed before I get sued.

<hr width=100% size=1>My Mum say's I'm not a fat b@st@rd, just heavy boned.
16 May 2001
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Re: I can solve debacle

How about resort to law being "free at the point of supply" I would vote for that.

After all, me having given up my rights to settle an arguement with you with a pitch fork was supposed to have been replaced by "the rule of law" Problem is that only people like the Maxwells and the Murdochs have the money (well DID in the former case) to have recourse to law as a fully available alternative.

Nobody complains about lawyers in community help centres so, IMO, if you get help at a community health centre and things go wrong you have no right to run around screaming for compensation. This of course excludes deliberately criminal acts or cutting someone's ear off whilst still under the influence of last night's nurses home party.

I was accosted outside our local hospital at the end of 2002 by some slimeball who asked me if I or any of my family or friends had been the victim of injury whilst in the hospital and "...did I know that i could claim significant damages?". My glare conveyed my reply (without saying) "Get out of my way you creep or you'll be needing medical attention for significant damage!"

Law firms are setting up desks in casualty units now ostensibly to help car accident victims to mount claims against third parties but they won't stop at that, they'll be after Nurse O'Flynn for spilling a cup of tea on Mrs Brown's left arm soon as look at you.

Sorry your grading of graduates is irrelevant. Try justifying it by doing the same with occupations.

Steve Cronin

<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion
16 May 2001
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Re: I can solve debacle

How about resort to law being "free at the point of supply" I would vote for that.

After all, me having given up my rights to settle an arguement with you with a pitch fork was supposed to have been replaced by "the rule of law" Problem is that only people like the Maxwells and the Murdochs have the money (well DID in the former case) to have recourse to law as a fully available alternative.

Nobody complains about lawyers in community help centres so, IMO, if you get help at a community health centre and things go wrong you have no right to run around screaming for compensation. This of course excludes deliberately criminal acts or cutting someone's ear off whilst still under the influence of last night's nurses home party.

I was accosted outside our local hospital at the end of 2002 by some slimeball who asked me if I or any of my family or friends had been the victim of injury whilst in the hospital and "...did I know that i could claim significant damages?". My glare conveyed my reply (without saying) "Get out of my way you creep or you'll be needing medical attention for significant damage!"

Law firms are setting up desks in casualty units now ostensibly to help car accident victims to mount claims against third parties but they won't stop at that, they'll be after Nurse O'Flynn for spilling a cup of tea on Mrs Brown's left arm soon as look at you.

Sorry your grading of graduates is irrelevant. Try justifying it by doing the same with occupations.

Steve Cronin

<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion


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16 May 2001
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deja vu

i seem to recall that douglas adams solved this one a long while back in the hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy. all the useless types like hairdressers, management consultants, telephone sanitizers and no doubt lawyers and media studies graduates were sent off to crash on another planet leaving all the productive people to get on with it.

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16 Dec 2002
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Re: deja vu

Yes, but, that planet, the one they crashed upon.......

The Earth

Maybe Douglas really was on to something.

<hr width=100% size=1>Julian

<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.topcatsail.co.uk>Top Cat Homepage</A>


Active member
27 Feb 2003
Hampshire, UK
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Re: deja vu

Unfortunately, in that story the planet was Earth and we are all descended from them. That's why there are so many around today.

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New member
13 Mar 2002
Re: I can solve debacle

In the Netherlands, we can simply avoid any profession that starts with an "A"
I shall give you some examples:

arts (=medical doctor)
aannnemer (building contractor)
advocaat (=lawyer or sollicitor)
autohandelaar (second hand car dealer)
apotheker (chemist)
assuradeur (insurance man)
I could go on forever.....all professions that result in huge incomes in obscure ways

(I'll run for cover now)


<hr width=100% size=1>Peter a/b SV Heerenleed, Steenbergen, Netherlands