Hustler 25.5



can anyone help? with any info on this boat. cheers.


Well-known member
31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Used to sail a mate's one long long ago. Holman and Pye design. Some home finished but most built by an East Coast yard whose name has dropped out of the back of the drawer marked memory (but might have been Landamores). The factory ones were nicely finished below and a lot less plastic than anything built in the last 15 years.

One called Midnight Cowboy used to clean up in East Anglian racing. Was it owned by John Harrison?

Nice little boat - we did lots of JOG racing and x-channel cruising 2 or 3 up. Only real vice I can remember was that if it was overpressed on a fetch or a beat it would stall out the rudder (transom hung) and round up into the wind whether you wanted to or not. Quite embarrassing, once, when a gust hit us as we were sailing up the Medina. Still, we just missed the chain ferry. Did make it quite tiring to helm in gusty conditions. With what I've learned since I think it was caused by having an IOR fashion big masthead genoa and a relatively small main. I suspect a smaller genny and a fully battened main with a good roach might help alleviate this problem.

Each time I go into Weymouth I see three or four on moorings in the south side of the harbour so presumably they're local. Believe there's also a small fleet in the NE, Blyth maybe?

Hope it helps.


New member
10 Jun 2001
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Hi have owned H 25.5 for last three years ,boat is kept at Woodbridge on East coast,what type of info do you need?


Hi Chris 505 . When did they stop manufacturing? How much would you expect to pay for one in good order? Are there any spicific problems to look out for, and are you pleased with yours, was it the right choice. cheers!