New member
I have a Beta BD662 with a Hurth gearbox. It works OK in reverse gear - a bit of vibration but nothing remarkable. In forward gear it will drive at idling speed - with huge, spectacular, amazing vibration - whole engine leaps about on its mountings, prop shaft hits off inside of stern tube, etc, etc - and then if you increase the revs at all the drive just dies away - along with the vibration. Alignment seems OK. Cable adjustment doesn't seem to affect things (I tested it with the cable disconnected, working the lever on the box by hand), Cutless bearing is new, shaft is clean. The gearbox oil level looks OK but the oil is blackish and sooty in appearance. Last changed n years ago.
Anyone got a clue?
<hr width=100% size=1>No sig is a good sig
Anyone got a clue?
<hr width=100% size=1>No sig is a good sig