How to turn £87500 into £123000...

16 May 2001
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Sorry, not a get rich quick scheme but just a little spat about misleading boat prices.

Sunday last, Excel, Bavaria stand.

Very nice gentleman tells me that my 2001 Bavaria42 of 43' 10" loa is a much better boat than the "New" Bavaria 42 at 41' 8" loa upon which we are standing and which is introduced to replace the Bavaria40 (of 41' 8" loa) -confused?. I was forced to agree because although the new 42 is a splendid boat which I would seriously consider if I were in the market for a new boat at the moment, it doesn't have the same feeling of solidity nor anywhere near as much real solid wood used in the fit-out as our dear Mary Flavin has. Then of course there's the lack of the Lloyds or the Deutches Veritas certification we hold.

Anyway, I digress about the prices. Back to the point of this post.

Our conversation went on and finally I asked what was the real price of this boat, currently quoted in the yachting press (see YW Jan05) at the very attractive, £87500? Straight away he came back with "around £123000"! You see the £87500 is practically a "Sail-Away" as we were offered a few years back. If you want a boat with better than just hanked on main & standard working jib, you want an anchor & chain - for goodness sake! You don't want to have to take your own low-loader to Bavaria to collect the boat complete with a "kit" of spars and wires for rigging it yourself and you don't mind sailing without even the minimum of essential instruments or the basic means of calling for help. Then there's pulling up that anchor by hand and washing off the sweat generated thereby, in cold water afterwards, not to mention sailing slower than anyone else due to the lack of antifouling. If we'd have bought one of these "bargain" basic boats a few years back, we'd have had to call it Marie Celeste, doomed to sail on forever because mooring ropes and fenders are extra too. Upgrading from the very flimsiest cloth upholstery is also a further £850

My car was built in Bavaria too but I wasn't expected to pay extra for putting the wheels on, fitting the radio, painting on the underbody protection or even the transporter ride to the local dealer. What is it about boats?

Steve Cronin


24 Jan 2003
East Coast
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Last time I got a price for a Bavara Motor Wagen (which I assume is the car you are refering to) You pretty much were expected to pay extra for the wheels, the stereo, the seats, the paint etc. /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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\"What is it about boats?\"

That little lot you've listed doesn't come for free but £35,500 sounds like a mighty whack. Seems like Bavaria are saying "We really don't want the bother - if you've got any sense, you'll get someone else to do the add-ons".
16 May 2001
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Well, that must have been prior to "P" reg then when I bought my first to protect myself from a repeat of the £20,000 loss in 30 months on a Ford Scorpio estate I had at the time. I'm on my 4th BMW now and apart from a deliberate swap of the cassette player on the first at £180, havn't needed to buy any extras at all. Mercedes kept their "One wing mirror and rubber mats as standard" philosophy going for a bit longer than BMW.

Steve Cronin


Well-known member
20 Apr 2002
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Things have changed then, last time I crossed BMW's threashold, it was extra to spray the body shell ( same as a Porsche the salesman said ), radio was extra, in fact it got that envolved I gave up.



Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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cant speak for Bavaria particularly, but our new SO35 came as a 'Show Price' and added several 'packs' to make it sailaway, within reason.
We deleted lots of the factory or dealer added add ons, as they did not meet what I wanted, but did add extra ports in the fore and aft cabins, cleats and heating etc, which are difficult to fit after build. I did jib at the upholstery upgrade at about 500 quid, but then I ticked the leather option on my car....
From approx 74k inc VAT, mine has climbed to about 90k, but it has all electronics, liferaft safety gear and extra anchors etc., mostly bought at LIBS, and to be fitted from the dealers.
I have dealt with Ian Scott and Steve Carter, (my Dealers, Clarke and Carter) who have helped out every way they can within (commercial)reason. They have messed about with their own commissioning pack, and let me delete individual items as a credit, and add fitting of my own supplied bits instead, or in addition.
The only thing I wanted to do but couldn't, was to have the boat without the sails, which I was unhappy about. No matter, they will wear out pretty quickly.

Whilst I agree that the 'Wow' Headline show prices are not reality, a serious enquiry will soon have the proper price under your nose. As a first time new purchaser, I have both enjoyed and found daunting sourcing all the kit I want, and researching its compatibility, not to mention effectiveness. Of course, it will all be out of date before summer, and half the price. (You bought what???? Hahahahahaha!!!!, You didn't want to be doing that.....).
I have a boat which is personalised to the things I find important (like a lift keel) and would have to fork more for an Aston Martin or similar to get the same degree of customisation, but its in White without Teak decks, as I didn't find the thought of paying another £11250 (
/forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif) very necessary for our mud.

I so nearly bought a Benny 331 Lift Keel, and was given clear unequivocal blow by blow price comparison by both Vendors that it was easy to match apples with apples. I also know I don't want to do it again, I think I prefer messing about in knackered junk, with a large shiny toolbox at the ready. We will see as time goes on.



New member
30 May 2001
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Cause the dealers have been trading in a sellers market recently and most decent people are too soft.
A mate of mine got a Bav 38 holiday some years back for the intial price plus extras cause he negociated hard with ready cash in his paws. He had gone to the lengths of susing out the profitabilty of the dealer and refused to pay the installation rates of the negociated 'goodies' were he thought he was being ripped off in that area. You just have treat these people like you would new car salesmen or estate agents IMHO


Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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I know that when I have compared the price of a number of similar boats providing the specification is fully scoped a number of them (and specifically the Bavaria) were not as economical as the "headline" price initially indicated.


Well-known member
7 Dec 2002
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What gets me is the length implied in the model number. I don't have specific examples here but when I checked it in the past, a model XXXX 35 could range anywhere from 32' to 35'. Some manufacturers included the pulpit in determining the length. A 35' boat is very different in size from a 32'.
