Sorry, not a get rich quick scheme but just a little spat about misleading boat prices.
Sunday last, Excel, Bavaria stand.
Very nice gentleman tells me that my 2001 Bavaria42 of 43' 10" loa is a much better boat than the "New" Bavaria 42 at 41' 8" loa upon which we are standing and which is introduced to replace the Bavaria40 (of 41' 8" loa) -confused?. I was forced to agree because although the new 42 is a splendid boat which I would seriously consider if I were in the market for a new boat at the moment, it doesn't have the same feeling of solidity nor anywhere near as much real solid wood used in the fit-out as our dear Mary Flavin has. Then of course there's the lack of the Lloyds or the Deutches Veritas certification we hold.
Anyway, I digress about the prices. Back to the point of this post.
Our conversation went on and finally I asked what was the real price of this boat, currently quoted in the yachting press (see YW Jan05) at the very attractive, £87500? Straight away he came back with "around £123000"! You see the £87500 is practically a "Sail-Away" as we were offered a few years back. If you want a boat with better than just hanked on main & standard working jib, you want an anchor & chain - for goodness sake! You don't want to have to take your own low-loader to Bavaria to collect the boat complete with a "kit" of spars and wires for rigging it yourself and you don't mind sailing without even the minimum of essential instruments or the basic means of calling for help. Then there's pulling up that anchor by hand and washing off the sweat generated thereby, in cold water afterwards, not to mention sailing slower than anyone else due to the lack of antifouling. If we'd have bought one of these "bargain" basic boats a few years back, we'd have had to call it Marie Celeste, doomed to sail on forever because mooring ropes and fenders are extra too. Upgrading from the very flimsiest cloth upholstery is also a further £850
My car was built in Bavaria too but I wasn't expected to pay extra for putting the wheels on, fitting the radio, painting on the underbody protection or even the transporter ride to the local dealer. What is it about boats?
Steve Cronin
Sunday last, Excel, Bavaria stand.
Very nice gentleman tells me that my 2001 Bavaria42 of 43' 10" loa is a much better boat than the "New" Bavaria 42 at 41' 8" loa upon which we are standing and which is introduced to replace the Bavaria40 (of 41' 8" loa) -confused?. I was forced to agree because although the new 42 is a splendid boat which I would seriously consider if I were in the market for a new boat at the moment, it doesn't have the same feeling of solidity nor anywhere near as much real solid wood used in the fit-out as our dear Mary Flavin has. Then of course there's the lack of the Lloyds or the Deutches Veritas certification we hold.
Anyway, I digress about the prices. Back to the point of this post.
Our conversation went on and finally I asked what was the real price of this boat, currently quoted in the yachting press (see YW Jan05) at the very attractive, £87500? Straight away he came back with "around £123000"! You see the £87500 is practically a "Sail-Away" as we were offered a few years back. If you want a boat with better than just hanked on main & standard working jib, you want an anchor & chain - for goodness sake! You don't want to have to take your own low-loader to Bavaria to collect the boat complete with a "kit" of spars and wires for rigging it yourself and you don't mind sailing without even the minimum of essential instruments or the basic means of calling for help. Then there's pulling up that anchor by hand and washing off the sweat generated thereby, in cold water afterwards, not to mention sailing slower than anyone else due to the lack of antifouling. If we'd have bought one of these "bargain" basic boats a few years back, we'd have had to call it Marie Celeste, doomed to sail on forever because mooring ropes and fenders are extra too. Upgrading from the very flimsiest cloth upholstery is also a further £850
My car was built in Bavaria too but I wasn't expected to pay extra for putting the wheels on, fitting the radio, painting on the underbody protection or even the transporter ride to the local dealer. What is it about boats?
Steve Cronin