How long is a bit of string? Rough seas cannot be put into little boxes and comparisons drawn. A force 4 wind over tide in shallow waters could be terrible yet you can have a superb ride with a force 8 following sea wind with tide. I'm afraid it is a question of suck it and see. Sorry if that isn't helpful.
Hi susboxer. Can you give details of sunspeed19, not heard of it before. What engine? BTW, saw the name of boat, are you a Simpsons fan, if yes you are doubly welcome to this BB!
The idea is that the deep vee slices thru the water, so more stable ride than a flat-bottomed inland water boat, tho son't know the boat, and it won't be v stable if you stop, natch. Scuse if u know all this and are looking for detail detail owner-expertise. Good boat name. In a fifty footer upwind in a f5 I slowed down and a boat your size belted past at 25knots+ so probly fine! Doesn't feel like it when at rest tho, you have to gun it.