How can i stop automatic updates from microsoft??Its slowing almost st


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Not long before vista was launched i got so many updates that i clicked on a box that said "update automaticaly" Now im useing cafe connections shared by lots the speed is quite slow,but when the updates start it almost stops accsses to my mailbox to get attachments times out.

Im getting updates almost daily?Or perhaps its one trieing again and again as now its only 42% and im offline so its gone and will just give me time to post this before retrying.

Where do i go to stop the automatic updates and retern to being asked or get none for the moment????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The last very long slow update wanted me to agree to the vista terms which would stop me playing music and give microsoft full control of how i use my laptop!

Microsoft often used to check my version was a real one before installing an update but now i have to agree to that and more as well.Enough is enough i must stop the updates but cant find where to do it HELP /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif


5 Jun 2005
Hampshire, UK
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Re: How can i stop automatic updates from microsoft??Its slowing almos

But u now may miss important security updates. This could put your PC at risk from hackers and/or viruses.

I downloaded a tool from TuneUp Utilities. It worked wonders on speeding up my PCs as it corrected numerous system problems and applied a couple of optimizers. Its free to use for the first 30 days.



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17 Jan 2007
Plymouth, D-heaven
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Re: How can i stop automatic updates from microsoft??Its slowing almos


Everything works and you don't need to faff about with virus software. Also you can download your license from Ofcom with zero hassle....

Colvic Watson

Well-known member
23 Nov 2004
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Re: How can i stop automatic updates from microsoft??Its slowing almos

I'll second that. At the last count I think there were about 12 viruses for the Mac...


Well-known member
23 Aug 2002
Friuli Venezia Giulia
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Re: How can i stop automatic updates from microsoft??Its slowing almos

And I'll third it. Bought my latest Mac last May: total crashes or freezes: 0; total viruses or other malware: 0; junk mail that has got past the standard Mac imail program: 3. I have no Microsoft software on board but that doesn't stop me reading PC files or sending PC-legible files to anyone. And have been doing so for 15 years. Boot-up time? About 15/20 seconds. Problems? Yes! I have to wait another 2 months for the Apple phone!


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Re: How can i stop automatic updates from microsoft??Its slowing almos

OH! I did twice buy a mac, the first wrong so often i bought a cheeper PC in the meentime the second an old mac laptop had something wrong with it as well but that only cost 50 euros i think it was or less from a secondhand shop.

With a PC i can post hear and access the internet from anywhere useing my SSB ive volenteered to have an experimental application implant! Its called "pacror 3 for PC im afraid not mac!Its not nearly as good as a pactor 3 modem which can fish signals out of almost nothing? But it was about £900 less than the modem!!!

I also couldent use "seaclear" and many other applications which is a pity I hate microsoft (which just now wants me to restart agin with its nag screens,)I will never buy vista and really hope Linux takes off when vista buyers realise what expensive junk they have.

All those i know are staying with XP as i am hopeing our laptops will last long enough for Linux to develop.I did try an imac latly but couldent do a thing?Its far to complicated still.

As for virus my PPC dosent have any!And while mac users can install a spywear program insisted on at some cafes offering free internet it tells my PPC that as it cant instal such a program i cant use the internet there!

Im amazed to see just who dose use mac though!!!Another reason i cant have a mac is i couldent aford one!I cant afford a new PC either as i keep spending the money set aside for an eventual replacement! Though i was given an old Toshiba which is running win ME!!latly.

Today is washing day i have to start! Stella is going to show me how to use a wash board? Rather than a landry!


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Re: How can i stop automatic updates from microsoft??Its slowing almos

Id realy like a Mac.But how can i load non mac applications?

Whats the equivalent of sea clear(though in not impressed with it)

Which laptops (mac) is small not bigger than a 12 inch screen will you recomend?Ill look, as my IBM X40 is now getting old though there reliable & i hope last!

Ill ask if i can borrow a new apple laptop but last time she only let me use it print but wouldent leave me with it incase i crached it and needed a technician???

I will try one if i can find one to try!!!


Well-known member
23 Aug 2002
Friuli Venezia Giulia
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Re: How can i stop automatic updates from microsoft??Its slowing almos

Cher Trouville,
There are several Windows emulators enabling you to run Windows applications. Try googling for them. DUnno which is best.
The smallest laptop is 13", but it's only 12.7" wide and weighs in at 2.3 kg.
Macs don't crash. They don't need technicians. (gulp! chancing fate here!)
Try GPSNavx for navigation. Very good, it seems to me.
Allez zou: Mac c'est mieux; voilà tout!