holding tanks



am dithering about whichof two alternative approaches to take to the installation of a holding tank in my boat. i can either install a flexible bag tank hidden in a locker or a hard tank in a more intrusive location. after a character building sunsail charter, when the holding tank leaked (Greece in mid summer!) i am nervous about the bag tank. advice please. anyone with good / bad experiences of flexible bag tanks? and how serious is the problem of blockages if all that goes down the tank is poo and paper? bag tanks dont have inspection hatches.


I dont like flexible bags... did a delivery once of a yacht that had 'em and they leaked. They were replacement ones from the originals which were less than 6 months old. So the new ones were also ratshit. Stick to the solid ones. Brian J


Don\'t use a flexible tank!!!!

Flexible tanks are bad enough with fresh water in - it doesn't bear thinking about the potential problems with sewage! Go for a hard tank. Don't think it necessarily has to be in a more intrusive location, because you can have a hard tank made in plastic or stainless steel in any shape you want. If you're not looking to have a serious pump-out job, just an "empty when at sea" tank, a simple gravity-emptying tank is easy to achieve and doesn't need complex plumbing.