"Here's Johnny" will never make a boat tester...


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16 May 2001
South coast
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"Here\'s Johnny" will never make a boat tester...

Reading the "Here's Johnny" feature in this months MBY about boat testing, and he seemed to have got it absolutely spot on in every respect, but then he fell down on the most important aspect!

Johnny, if you're reading this, (and I know you do), you cannot possibly have a boat test without the words "breathes more easily" in the text at least once, and preferably two or three times.

If the galley has been put down with the lower accommodation then the deck saloon will "breathe more easily", but if its in the saloon then the lower accommodation will "breathe more easily". Extending the cockpit will allow it to "breathe more easily", raising the saloon floor will allow the engineroom to "breather more easily", and buying a bigger boat will allow you to "breathe more easily".

I can't believe you missed this crucial phrase that has appeared in every issue of MBY for the last year, its what makes this magazine, err, "breathe more easily".

Frankly if you are going to take such a cavalier attitude to boat testing (or breathing) then you might as well not bother.

You'll be missing the paragraph that says "we went out on a flat calm day, but crossing the photographers boat wake from a variety of different angles revealed no vices in the boats sea keeping" next and that would never do!

Back to boat loafing, err, testing college for you sir!



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31 Aug 2001
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Re: "Here\'s Johnny" will never make a boat tester...

Spot on Ari

I too felt quite strangled reading that with ne'er a "breathe more easily" to be seen. Funny how I was gasping for breath but never actually noticed the vital missing phrase or three but then I suppose I knew it was there deep down and I must have missed it while scanning through. Thank you for the clear explanation.

You have also explained the crucial difference in handling, all boats tested in a flat calm will have no trouble with anything but if there's a bit of a chop they all slam quite a bit more than the boats tested under condition 'a'

This Johnny just doesn't do any research into the finer points of marine literature. <BG>

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Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Just a thought but.....

do thay axshually undo any ropes and stuff or do they just sort of stare out the bar window for a bit and then reword the brouchure a tad./forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

<hr width=100% size=1>Stupid place to leave an island anyway......