Here's a huge digression from sailing...



Here\'s a huge digression from sailing...

...Going narrowboating next month to see how the other half lives, and what the riverbank looks like when it's horizontal, and what it's like drinking tea which doesn't slide off the table.

Anyone tried this? What's it like, then? Should we stick to the yacht or is it blissfully restful?

If we've got stinkpotters and the rag and stick brigade on this forum, what's a good name for our flat-bottomed friends on the canals?

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by The_Fruitbat on Wed Mar 6 16:25:37 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Here\'s a huge digression from sailing...

Where are you starting from?

I owned a narrowboat for several years. In many ways it is a good deal more relaxing than sailing.

'Navigation' is only an issue when you come to a junction - which is on average every couple of days. Passage planning is a delight since all you have to do is make sure you stop somewhere near a pub at lunchtime / dinner time - and there are no shortage of those. No mooring fees payable for overnight stops - and canal folk are much friendlier than sailing-folk (or as friendly as the majority of sailors but without the snotty element (did I hear someone mention blue ensigns?)).

The only problem is that you spend all day standing above the engine - and the constant throb of the diesel does detract from enjoyment - which is the principle reason we bought a yacht instead!


Re: Here\'s a huge digression from sailing...

Sounds lovely!

We'll be in Northampton just below Coventry. I particularly like the way you could take the boat to almost any part of the country you wanted without having to take it out of the water.

Some of the ones in the Blakes brochure, and I'm not joking, have four poster beds and full-sized baths! On my little yacht the washing facilities are a bucket and the galley is a shelf. If you want even a double bed, you have to use a spare wedge of wood and mattress to convert the entire cabin! (but I love her...)

I've always hankered after living a narrowboat, actually, but having just bought one boat, it's utterly out of the question at the moment. We live in west London and so are handy for the Grand Union etc.

Still, one day perhaps... Thanks for the tip about the engine, and I do like the 'lockies' tag.


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30 Jun 2001
NW England
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Re: Here\'s a huge digression from sailing...

Went on board a friend's narrow boat last winter (the proper thing - not a plastic launch) and was most impressed by the wood burning stove. On my walks along the local canal, more time seems to be spent tied up than cruising, either in the lockside pub or having a fry up.


Re: Here\'s a huge digression from sailing...

Anyone who thinks inland waterways equals peace and tranquility should to try the Norfolk Broads in August [shudder]. Personally I shall be staying in the office.


New member
23 Jan 2002
Ålesund, Norway.
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Re: Here\'s a huge digression from sailing...

Great fun!
Dont forget your passport if your going North of Watford!
Your yellow 'Q' flag for customs and the list of 'county' courtesy flags!
The locks can be a pain or pleasure did depends how bored or not you get with them.
Of course remember to take a copy of your Col.Regs on the narrow canal.


Re: Here\'s a huge digression from sailing...

Ditch Crawlers