Welcome aboard ! I'll start the ball rolling by saying :- a) Lifejackets
b) Flare Pack ( "Inshore", at least) c) Anchor, chain(say 5m.) and warp(30m.) d) Atleast 4 fenders. e) Boat hook. f) Large wallet /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Items a - e are available from most mail order chandleries that advertise in Practical Boat Owner. It may help you if you look at a lot of mags. to find their comparative tests on various products.
No seriously you need:
-VHF radio (you'll need a license to operate and a ships license)
-Lifejackets (best if they are auto inflating whatsits)
-Little Outboards on the back seem popular as a "get you home" engine.
-Engine spares???
-Training course from the RYA, Powerboat 1 and 2
-Nav Lights
And loads of other expensive stuff that someone else here will tell you about.
There is a member on here by the name of 'Solitaire', I think he is down in your area, or not far away. Hell of a nice chap. (you can pay me later David)
He does powerboat training, and could either give you training or at least advice you on what to do.
Send him a Private Message.(PM) And i'm sure he will reply.He is usually on here every day.
IMHO For that size of Boat Powerboat Level 2 training is a must.
Anyway welcome to the forum, and i'm sure you're gonna love your new toy.