Hefty Belox


New member
28 Mar 2002
I've just read all the posts re RYA and YM et al.

I couldn't decide where to jump in hence a new post.

So first IYM. Seems to me they have a valid position. RYA YM isn't widely enough recognised and they are attemting to introduce an internationally recognised qualification for professional crews. If the RYA want to go head-to-head why not fight them on their own patch, ie get RYA YM internationally recognised?

As for the YM test I've finally done it after 25 years. I learned much and despite many miles sailing I struggled to pass the test. I regard it as a defining moment. I'm proud to hold the qualification, but aware that it places great responibilities on me. And so it should. I now regard myself as a tested skipper with all the extra responsibilities this brings. I'm aware that it can be withdrawn at any time I fail to measure, again so it should.

Incidentally professional seamen often gain the Masters qualification without taking command. Qualifications are minimum standards, not proofs of competence.

As for the RYA and the mooted forum. Great, they'll be crucified but what does this achieve? They are the only voice we have and we shouldn't be too quick to condemm them.

So what of registration and compulsory training? We should resist it, but so far it only exists in angry debates on this forum. We should prepare our powder should it ever come to be. I cannot quite understand why we're reacting ahead of any announcement. Perhaps the forum knows something I don't.

I'll sign off so wish everyone a Happy Christmas and great sailing in the new year



New member
26 May 2002
Marlow, Bucks
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Well done on passing your YM Qualification, and I think that every one one that comes on this forum is agreed on safety and professionalism. It is my veiw that the RYA should not be the only voice for so many of us, as it has already lost sight of it's core business, and that's us. They had a golden oppertunity to link with the IYT and blew it, the same as they agreed to support the CA in the Dibden Bay affair, and when the going got hot they pulled out, I wonder what there position is on Light Dues. I belive in deregulation not regulation, especialy when it comes out of MY wallet. YES we must have RULES but it must be agreed across the board NOT by one body I would like to see the CA go up against them and set up there own YM certificate, maybe the CA could talk to the IYT at least that would be movment in the right direction. ALL I am asking is that if somone is going to represent us, REPRESENT US, and keep us informed.

Tom Safe Sailing and have a Nice Christmas (Fergie)


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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After glancing though these posts, it seems to me that this country of ours, or it's people are hell bent on any form of legislation, cirtificatation and form filling. This is not an arguement against training or Knowledge, but I do notice that no other country in the world seems to need a body to over see or control a chosen pastime. Now people go walk abouts in the desert and to the "outback", hopefully they take a compass or a map, but I dont know of any bits of paper required inorder to do it. Seems to me that we might be creating a rod for our own backs here. If there was no RYA to communicate to, it would be very difficult for government or anyone else to pass judgement or law. Yes I know that the French have irritating laws and rules that effect us. Ah but thats government to government. Does it affect the French. I doubt it. There method seems to be much more like government for the people. Not government to control the people. It's a bit like yellow lines on the road. At first they were very sencible. Denoting dangerous places to park. But not anymore, there painted every where. Yet with the right bit of paper, it's quite alright to park there. The safety aspect has gone completly out of the window. My solicitor always told me. " Never write anything down or sign anything" I think he must have been drunk at the time cos thats where they make all there money!! Naa. On principle I dont want any bits of paper I dont have to. Dont encourage the buggers.

<font color=blue>Haydn