Heads-up Sandeifjord voyage round the world


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12 Nov 2007
Me Norfolk/Suffolk border - Boat Deben & Southwold
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Found it on YouTube don’t know how to link,but type in the title it should come up

There are several ways to link to a vid, but easiest is just to copy the web address in the top of your browser when you are looking at the relevant vid, and then paste it as text in your post (making sure you leave a space before and after it).

When you first paste it, you'll just see it just as text, but when you post your, er, post, it'll display the image which can be clicked on to take the reader to it (as in Rival Redwing's post #4 above).


Well-known member
8 May 2003
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There are several ways to link to a vid, but easiest is just to copy the web address in the top of your browser when you are looking at the relevant vid, and then paste it as text in your post (making sure you leave a space before and after it).

When you first paste it, you'll just see it just as text, but when you post your, er, post, it'll display the image which can be clicked on to take the reader to it (as in Rival Redwing's post #4 above).
Ok will attempt next time I find something of interest,thanks. Not that I understand a word you wrote🙁

Frank Holden

Well-known member
23 Nov 2009
Cruising in the Golfo Corcovado
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Extra bit. In '68 I saw it in a church hall or some such. They were touring the country showing it in halls the same way as the Hiscocks did in the UK with their movies. Same same today's Youtube sailing channels but a bit more basic. Nothing new under the sun.