I've got one of those. The way to set up the P.SCAN is to select your channel and then press MEM. do this for all the channels you want to program, normally 16 and the intership ones. All you do then is hit the scan button. If my memory serves right. If you have any prods PM your address and then I'll photo copy the manual for you.
barryh thanks very much for your reply . i would appreciate it very much
if i could get a copy of the handbook for the rario. maybe you could use one of the following options to get the copy to me
1 fax 021-4775503
2 email fitzgibbon_liam@iolfree.ie
3 post liam fitzgibbon .. ringrone .. kinsale .. co. cork .. ireland
i can also send a self sddressed envelope if that would help. again thanks for your reply. liam .. morning_time