Ham radio warning Pactor stations


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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We have just been "warned" that experimental stations such as pactor stations that allow direct accsses to the internet must have a special licence as an experimental station.

OR be commercial Pactor stations that have a frequency allocation and pay!

We have a commercial pactor modem that a few economicaly challenged can use internet at sea or anchor.I had hoped airmail stations would have upgraded by now

It seems the age of invention and enterprise is dead other than for the rich or powerful disinterested in all but money.

Now ill go back to perparing for the weekend what i found left at the market

Large muchrooms du Paris with choped onion and garlic mix put in then a thin slice of tomatoe or the rest from consomme(which ive used as the tomatoes were very ripe then a Quails egg on top and backed! We found several boxes of quails eggs that had been "sat on"

Then the meat from veal bones on sticks, meat muchroom slice of orange meat pepper slice of lemon meat etc coated in ground peanuts (found a broken packet amongst the market leftovers) ground fine in a pesel and morter with herbs du provence garlic paprica white pepper and a small pinch of rock salt mixed with oil of achied (peanut oil)then baked in the oven and seved cold

Also Corn cake half a pound (thats all i have)butter half a pond mais flour half a kilo honey( we found a burst tub of honey and there was just half a KG left! half a pound of lidle type 45 flour mix it al together well then seperate 5 or six eggs mixthe egg yellows in fluff up the whites and add that then put it in the oven medium for about three quaters of an hour. Its very popular!!Leftover cake we callit as theres always left overs broken eggs etc to make it and if no honey we use cane sugar and white wine

I cant go on as Stella will be back soon and ive used all the wine red and white and red Port!Half an hour ago life was fine but now i dont know what she will say?What ill say?

The clams i baked with onion garlic eshalots parsley herbs du provence and WHITE WINE!! then put back in there shells and in the oven with a bit of butter on each to bake dident use 1 liter of white wine? nor did the roll of veal which i stuffed with beef herbs onions and bread cruumbs ground armonds paprica and red wine us a liter of red wine??

What do people equiped with a woman say to them when confronted?? It will happen very soon as shes back HELP


I was surprised that you were connecting that way but then I cannot get anything like the bandwidth I would need in any case. There is so much local competition for bandwidth round this part of the Med that people transmit over each other to force them off /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif If someone is connecting via Winlink for more than five minutes or so others just Tx straight over them which only makes matters worse as they start all over again. Would be nice if the system had some kind of resume feature.


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Excactly,todays new rich only care about themselves and only they and their opinions count. Thankfully the realy rich have sat phones or better.

The new rich still count the pennys in private and bulk at the cost of a pactor modem with good reason!So may buy a sat phone.Pactor is limited and it seems is regulated!? Pactor would suit peoples lifestyle today!!

When a pactor station starts transmitting any other station on that frequency will be wiped out! The other stations then can only wait until the pactors finnished there arnt many pactor stations so i dont know what would happen if two pactor station were on the same freqency.

Assuming both stations are useing a modem transmitions are possiable even in high QRM as the modems will work with signals 20db under the noise!!As i say ideal for todays new rich!Just switch on and go dont need to listen to see if the freqencys in use!!

That only leaves anyone that happend to be useing that freqency to caputur the call and make a complaint,it happens quite often and pactor is not the most popular with other uses of data such as PSK 31


New member
9 Aug 2006
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That is a real shame, but I am not surprised. Pactor 1 is 'open source' but the pactor 3 protocol is covered by licences, so I was surprised that you were able to get away with what I took to be software emulation of the modem. You don't think they discovered your evil transgression from the previous thread??


Yes, I think that often it is that they don't even bother to listen first. But there are also cases where people don't set up properly so can't hear, due, say, to local interference on their boat - fridge, etc. Or, you have a fixed station with a mobile 300nm to the east and another 300nm to the west. The mobiles can't hear each other but at the fixed station there are two interfering signals. Or, the mobiles are too close to each other. All these things conspire to make the Winlink service very variable here in the western Med. The same is true of Sailmail, though that is more reliable on the whole. I found that the Winlink system was degraded badly by the re-write at the end of 2005, early 2006. The previous system was far more robust - the present one leaves you downloading messages from stations when you have already downloaded them from another - pointless, reduces system capacity, unnecessary and avoidable.