I've come to the conclusion that this current labour party is the most dangerous political party that Britain has seen in living history. TB has done real damage to the democratic process,constitution, international relations (in particular the devaluation of the UN) ,infrastructure, taxation, internal social structure ... you name it and my perception is that they bust it.
My initial thought was to spoil my vote to register dissent with the overall political situation and indicate my perception of no real choice, however I now feel that it it of paramount importance to get political change so I will vote for anyone who I beleive to have the best chance of defeating labour.
a bit like inviting the Jehovas in for a drink when they came round on Christmas morning a few years ago. They damn near left skid marks in the gravel they were gone so fast.
Tory candidate with hangers on arrives on our doorstep, he's the local vet.
While his agent is making a song and dance about who he is and what he stands for by way of an introduction the great man is weighing me up.
" Don't I know you"? he asks
"Yes. You killed all my rabbits" I respond. Much pink silence ensues until my daughter pipes up with "Is he really the man killed our rabbits?" Candidate retreats.
I had overstated the kill bit. He'd more failed to keep them alive, but I hate politicians.
Oh i wiould vote for a vet. They kill rabbitsand we had to take our cat there too: I wd definitely vote for any politicians who actually get things "done".
Apparently the best method to make em squirm, of any canvaser. Open door, just look over their shoulder into middle distance, make absolutely no reaction, do not answer them, look at them, in fact to you they are not even there.
see how long they keep talking to the hardest audience in the world, let them walk off and just close door with same indifference.
I am dying to try this, but they never come this way, too much of a safe seat apparently, unfortunately not the party I would ever vote for mind.