Greece maybe some changes


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26 Jan 2004
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New law to be voted on next months , Cancelation of the DEPKA is one part another is the freedom of EU yacht to sail in Greek waters. Although once we leave we won't be class as a EU yacht .


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26 Jan 2004
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Sounds like fewer Brit yachts heading east and more coming back west.
It be interesting what going to happen , we off to North Africa in about three weeks weather permitting, after that it's back to Malta before heading west , maybe out of the Med for this season .
Although Greece lost my interest and my money , I through other maybe interest in any new changes .


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26 Jan 2004
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Vic, do you have an authoritative link for this please?
The first reports have come from yacht agents in Rhodes , if that's any help , I doubts they be speading fake news .
There also new laws that come in re charting and to do with black market charters .
+30 6974447720 if you want more info.

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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The first reports have come from yacht agents in Rhodes , if that's any help , I doubts they be speading fake news .
There also new laws that come in re charting and to do with black market charters .
+30 6974447720 if you want more info.
Thanks Vic, I've got one of my knowledgeable locals on it. If I hear anything new I'll post back.

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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The draft law is at the URL below, the vote is next Thursday (27th) and my contact has no idea how it will go. The two main points on a very quick reading by me (it's a massive document) are these (translated by Google Translate)....

Άρθρο 67 Διευκολύνσεις απόπλου-κατάπλου ιδιωτικών πλοίων αναψυχής | Υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής
Article 67 Sailing facilities for private pleasure boats
Paragraph 2 of article 10 of Law 4256/2014 (A '92) is replaced by the following:
«2. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 9 (3) (c), masters or captains of private recreational vessels flying the flag of Greece or of another EU Member State shall. or the EEA shall be exempt from the obligation of taking a sail and declaring a call to any Port Authority of Approach. The above fulfill this obligation at the Port Authority of the port in which they arrive for the first time in Greece from abroad and at the Port Authority of the last port of departure abroad. Subject to the provisions of Article 9 (3) (c) and (d), the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to private pleasure craft flying the flag of a Member State other than the EU. or the EEA and on pleasure boats, regardless of flag,

and Άρθρο 66 Κατάργηση Δελτίου Κίνησης Πλοίου Αναψυχής (ΔΕ.Κ.Π.Α.) | Υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής
Article 66 Repeal of Leisure Vessel Traffic Report (DEKPA)
1. Paragraph 1 of Article 10 of Law 4256/2014 (A '92) is replaced by the following:
' 1.a. Private pleasure boats regardless of flag must be equipped with a passenger status kept up-to-date by the Master or Commander without requiring the Port Authority to approve it. The status of the occupants and any changes thereto shall be signed by the Master or the Commander who shall certify the date and time of his signature. The status of the occupants contains the elements of Article 5 (1) par. 23/1999 (A '17), is always on board and is displayed at the request of the Competent Authorities.
b. Where private recreational vessels, irrespective of flag, are nationals of a State outside the EU. or the EEA the crew and passenger status shall be kept in accordance with the conditions laid down in point (a). The present crew status also contains the date of disembarkation of the above employees on board the vessel when it is recorded in Greece. The status of the crew present here is provided by the Master or Commander at the Port Authority of the first port of departure of the ship in the country from abroad and of the last port of departure for the country and considered. The visa requirement also applies in the event of the change of the above employees.
c. Recreational craft, regardless of flag, that are professionally designated in accordance with the law of another country must be provided with an up-to-date status of passengers signed by the Master or Commander certifying the date and time of his signature. The status of the occupants contains the elements of Article 5 (1) par. 23/1999 (A '17), always on board, shall be considered by the Port Authority in the process of obtaining a sailing permit and a declaration of arrival and shall be displayed at any request by the competent authorities. "
2. This Article shall enter into force one (1) month after the publication of this law in the Government Gazette, with the option of extending one (1) additional month following a decision by the Minister of Maritime and Islands Policy. As from the entry into force of this Article, any provision which otherwise regulates shall be repealed.

Source: Εκσυγχρονισμός Θεσμικού Πλαισίου για τις Θαλάσσιες Ενδομεταφορές και λοιπές διατάξεις | Υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής

Artic Warrior

17 Aug 2009
island hopping in greece
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New law to be voted on next months , Cancelation of the DEPKA is one part another is the freedom of EU yacht to sail in Greek waters. Although once we leave we won't be class as a EU yacht .
I've just made a new post about my power of attorney in Greece saying we can only keep the boat in Greece 6 months... At a time....wonder if this is something to do with new ruling coming in


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15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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But he commented that it's 6 months in and 6 months out...not just skip a day like we know now...
This is a muddling of laws and this would be for someone with a non vat paid vessel from a "third Country" . The owners can TI the vessel for 18 months, but they can only stay on board for 6 months or otherwise import the vessel. And thats because - as far as the Greeks are concerned, at 6 months you are a resident - therefore your boat has to go into Bond.

More of the other problems to discuss when I have been for a walk. - Only just seen these 2 posts!


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26 Jan 2004
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Has I understand it , Any one living in any EU country more then Six month has to apply for residency , it doesn't matter if they are a EU member,
except no other country apply that rule unless your working, have a business or own a property in
It seen Greece may even if your just keeping a boat there and living on it part time .
My suggest is keep under the radar .

If we look at Artic warrior other posting , the guy give him advise I say is wrong .
If come 12/2020 and we have to apply to the 90/180 rule , staying in Greece for six months before returning back to the UK would made him a over stayer,
Although I think his email has just been worded badly and that is what the guy meant.
But more important register his boat under another country flag would make no difference regarding the 90/180 rule regarding himself , so there no benefit to do so.

But as Tony rightly said , no one know what's going to happen .


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Has I understand it , Any one living in any EU country more then Six month has to apply for residency , it doesn't matter if they are a EU member,
except no other country apply that rule unless your working, have a business or own a property in
It seen Greece may even if your just keeping a boat there and living on it part time .
My suggest is keep under the radar .

If we look at Artic warrior other posting , the guy give him advise I say is wrong .
If come 12/2020 and we have to apply to the 90/180 rule , staying in Greece for six months before returning back to the UK would made him a over stayer,
Although I think his email has just been worded badly and that is what the guy meant.
But more important register his boat under another country flag would make no difference regarding the 90/180 rule regarding himself , so there no benefit to do so.

But as Tony rightly said , no one know what's going to happen .
Vic, Just going to start reading the other thread in detail - I started and it was all total misconception. However Tony haspicked up what I have been waiting for since September - the scrapping of the DEKPA so I have not seen this even though I only spoke to the Greeks on Friday - Like pulling out teeth!


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15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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So in reading the law, it confirms the scrapping of the DEKPA and refers to other passenger list that must be kept. I am hoping that will be the replacement to the Transit Log issue I have bee worrying about - with no feed back since it was raised last October. (no surprise there!)

So to clarify what Artic was worrying about I think it may have been:

^ months - in the country and then six out. I think this is referring to a NON vat paid boat with a TL, and that the owner has residency. In which case the boat has to be put into Bond, sailed out with the owner, or VAT must be paid. - Simples.

But for most of us, we will have VAT paid boats and will just have to comply with an UTL (unlimited Transit Log). However the provision in article 66 above look like they may be answering my query on the replacement for the UTL for us - ie to just maintain a signed crew list at every change of crew. If I am right that will be good news.
b. Where private recreational vessels, irrespective of flag, are nationals of a State outside the EU. or the EEA the crew and passenger status shall be kept in accordance with the conditions laid down in point (a). The present crew status also contains the date of disembarkation of the above employees on board the vessel when it is recorded in Greece. The status of the crew present here is provided by the Master or Commander at the Port Authority of the first port of departure of the ship in the country from abroad and of the last port of departure for the country and considered. The visa requirement also applies in the event of the change of the above employees.
Note the VISA details that are required - this is looking very hopeful.

We need clarity on how to prove we are not illegally chartering when say, a family member is using the vessel FOC. that is work in progress.

Artic Warrior

17 Aug 2009
island hopping in greece
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This is a muddling of laws and this would be for someone with a non vat paid vessel from a "third Country" . The owners can TI the vessel for 18 months, but they can only stay on board for 6 months or otherwise import the vessel. And thats because - as far as the Greeks are concerned, at 6 months you are a resident - therefore your boat has to go into Bond.

More of the other problems to discuss when I have been for a walk. - Only just seen these 2 posts!
Oh I see...thank you for making it clearer...


Well-known member
25 Jan 2020
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Maybe Greece will give the English a pass regarding 90/180 day rule. I think they may because it would make economic sense. I am almost certain Portugal will always welcome boats, even after negotiations and 2020, but they will ask you to register officially.

I am moving East. I do not understand why a liveaboard cruiser (who likes moving) would move in any other European direction! Turkey, Albania, Montenegro and Croatia are all outside Shengen (I hope!). So 3 months in Greece and 3 months in Turkey is the easiest option for a digital nomad. Or Greece to Albania, Montenegro, Croatia and back to Greece is another option. And then there is Cyprus - not the North - (outside Shengen I think) and Israel is not far away once in Cyprus.
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Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Maybe Greece will give the English a pass regarding 90/180 day rule. I think they may because it would make economic sense. I am almost certain Portugal will always welcome boats, even after negotiations and 2020, but they will ask you to register officially.

I am moving East. I do not understand why a liveaboard cruiser (who likes moving) would move in any other European direction! Turkey, Albania, Montenegro and Croatia are all outside Shengen (I hope!). So 3 months in Greece and 3 months in Turkey is the easiest option for a digital nomad. Or Greece to Albania, Montenegro, Croatia and back to Greece is another option. And then there is Cyprus - not the North - (outside Shengen I think) and Israel is not far away once in Cyprus.

As the Greeks are well aware, that they could loose longterm sailors to Turkey and even the over winter boat yard fees. They are keen to do something and the CA is making progress in that respect for a 6 month "yachting Visa" without the detail of an annual residency.