GPS Navigator Group Statement #2



First Thank-you to Kim and YBW for allowing us to post our Group statement.

Now :

I am very pleased to say that the Commercial interests have started to join the Group and contributing well. We have the start of genuine and beneficial dialogues giving good and worthy advise to our members.

I would like to state that I thank the Commercial Company's and must point out that Euronav - Seapro who initially contacted us have been fair and reasonable. They are a constructive and valued part of the group.

I hope that others will soon join as well and GPS Navigator group can continue its work in passing as much information and knowledge onto GPS Users as possible.

So - join us and get the answers you always wanted ......

Nigel C. Luther

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !