Does anybody know where you can download a set of accurate marine points of interest (Buoys, lights, Rocks etc) for the west coast of Scotland. I want to add them to my GPS
No, but almanacs are stuffed with them. Mind you, I was always told (and it makes perfect sense if you're on the water), to double cheque all waypoints against charts, no matter how authoritative the source.
I have a list of about 170 waypoints from Islay in the South to the South of Skye in the North. All are clearing waypoints (ie not rocks/buoys etc). I prepared them for myself but other friends have also used them and they seem to be OK. However, they come without guarantees etc.
If you want them, send me your email address and I'll send a copy to you - and anyone else who wants them.
The trouble with using published waypoints is that other people will be using them as well. Making your own, a little way off the mark, randomises it a bit and reduces the chance of course convergence.
Even if you have a list of waypoint positions you will still have to 'plot' these on your chart a) to be sure they are correct b) to identify where the wpt is which may not be clear from a short description and c) because if you don't plot them you may not see that a straight line track line between 2 points might just go over a rock or even a headland - it hs been done. If you are going to plot them anyway then you might just as well create your own! This is a big advantage of chart plotters, you create wpts on the chart screen. even more so of a Yeoman paper chart plotter where you can do the same from paper charts with a click of the Yeoman mouse.
<hr width=100% size=1><font size=1>Sermons from my pulpit are with tongue firmly in cheek and come with no warranty!</font size=1>
If you took plotted points of charts and marked them on your charts, you would usefully know where they all were. If you took them off a list from another source, unless there whereabouts were obvious by name, you would still have to plot them to find where they are when you come to use them, wouldn't you?
Thanks for the replies.
What I want to do is to plot buoys for navigation and rocks, wrecks etc for avoidance. Unfortunatley I can not run to a chart plotter at the moment (the wife is resticting my boat spending) I have a Garmin GPS 76 which can not use Map software. I am prepared to add them manually and double check against charts.