GPS for cars


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16 May 2001
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Postal Bermuda Triangle

Colnbrook is a small town which is divided between 3 counties, Middlesex, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. It's a postman's nightmare. I doubt if any GPS could handle it. I used to live there. It's pants. Noisy and no boating.

Pauline B


Re: Scottish Nationalism

Maybe mine is slightly older software but I have to get the country right first - Scotland or England - try finding Auchtermuchty if you're logged onto the English section! Its all on the same CD but and if you start in one or the other there is no problem in seamlessly following a route cross border but to enter the town you have to select the country first. Obviously something to do with the indexing

I posted a reply to your comment about the TV saying I would appreciate the URL you mentioned to keep the TV active whilst under way but it appears to have got lost in my windows XP adventures.... can you let me have it pls.



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16 May 2001
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Re: Beemer with XR3i dials and furry dice

Thank God for that!

I was having visions of you wearing an M-Tec baseball cap backwards whilst driving with your ears bleeding from the "Boombox" sub woofer in the boot!!



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16 May 2001
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Peter please confirm your car. There are a few choices....

older 5&7ers, male voice
newer 5&7ers up to and incl 2000 model, female voice
2001 model year with widescreen TV

The first two can be fixed diy, different procedure for each, the 2001 can only be fixed by mailing the TV tuner to a nice man in Brooklyn NY who has hacked the software, he will turn it around fast but charges 200 bucks!! Lemme know which your car is

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: Postal Bermuda Triangle

No boating? Its a stone's throw from Windsor and the Thames is'nt it?
Apart from that, you're right, it's pants especially with the delicate aroma from the landfill site and the 747's roaring overhead

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: GPS for cars - gatsos

You've lost me already, jfm, as far as the diy goes. Looked at the originbluei site and their box looks a lot neater and easier to fit so, assuming they can deliver, methinks my cash is going their way.


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10 Sep 2001
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Re: Postal Bermuda Triangle

Agree totally pants. Go North to Iver Heath (Pinewood Studios) and fight your way past gravel lorries, to find somewhere totally destroyed by developement.

Barry D.


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TV in motion of BMW 5 and 7

Peter, Jeanette, Nick: Here's the method. This only works on female voice 5 and 7 series, and not for the most recent 2001 with the widescreen TV. I think therefore it covers 98-00, but it definitely covers 1999. Health warning - keep your eyes on the road while driving, do not watch TV when moving, etc

I'm off to catch a flight in 20mins, will check the BB late tonight if can get a connection in Italy. Lemme know if it works!

* Set ignition to pos. II
* enter TV mode
* enter "settings"
* enter "brightness"
* when the green brightness bar is visible, push the knob and keep it pressed
* turn ignition off (keep button pressed!)
* wait 8-10 seconds (timing must be accurate!)
* release the knob
* turn on ignition again
* Now you can watch TV during driving

There are other routines, like how to get your lat long altitude off the GPS, how to access the gyro readings, how to see the week your car was built, and some even sadder stuff too (if that were possible)


Re: model 2

We're way past that. I read the map beforehandand then drive there, others sleep. Any comments such as "It said Lyons to the left ! Left ! oops no that's the town centre..." are banned. Passengers can pay the tolls unles they are asleep, in which case it is usually quicker to stop and get out to pay, rather than uturing on the run-in to tyhe peage and reversing through.

Unfortunately, all car-based gps systems are useless to anyone who knows where they are going. Much more useful would be a morpheous + pace notes.


Re: Gatso\'s, detectors and SPEEDING

Morpheous (jfm puit me on to this) is a gps that is updatable from the internet to hold all the positions of every gatso camera. It beeps when you are close, but has no idea if the thing is on or not.

So you need a radar detector too, which does detectif the things is on, altho it can't detect some types.

This stuff has to be demountable if going to France because all illegal.

Much the best option is to get wife/secretary/hubbie to buy new number plates slightly wrong for your car, and drive about. If stopped, blame stupid cow/bitch/old git , and face moderate fine, much better than massive ban at over 100mph .

Whenever I suggest this, everyone goes potty and says most illegal aargh. But erm so's speeding innit? Even worse, I once pushed into a queue.


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16 May 2001
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Piers the nav GPS and the gatso GPS are totally separate.

For Gatsos there are three GPS devices. The trafcam one that Ari mentions (which imho is total cr@p) plus these two:

They all have a built in waypoint database that you update by modem so you keep up to date on new camera sites.

Matts is quite correct - a mistake on your # plate results only in a fine but not penalty points.

Matts, BTW I got 6 points and £500. I was really pissed about the 6 points, obviously you count these things in 3's so it uses up two "lives" if you see what I mean :-(



oh dear, not fast enough, as I suspected. Over a hundred and you have to turn up to court BUT the points are wiped after you have done your ban time. Next time ensure that you speed up to 110+ on the clock if blue flashing lights, to ensure one month/two week ban. 500 quid a bit steep. I was extr sorry sorry and i am a stupid idiot, and most cryingly sorry, an embarrasement I am sorry to say, but only 150 quid and two week ban in Fareham. Praps we should have a Speeding forum where the punishments and fines from different mag courts are listed for handy reference?

I think the BMW name makes them see red, praps, like Porsche? I didn't know that they always read out the make of car in court: "...IN A FERRARI!!" (ripple of tittering from around the court) . But as I explained, the director of the company I work for very kindly allowed me to drive it for the weekend. Goodness me, no, I don't own the car.

Course, it's much easier if you are a girlie. the policeman advise you of offence and asks if you have anything to say. I am told that the answer should be "Would you please stop staring and trying at my breasts in that pecuilar manner, Officer!" Then they tell you to not do it again and clear off.


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16 May 2001
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How uncannily accurate of you Matt. I've been stopped several times for speeding (the last one being two weeks ago doing 95 on the Staines by pass), yet I've only ever had a caution.

Pauline B


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16 May 2001
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Re: Speed fines

Yes that pees you off. Axshully mine was Staines too, I was caught on the A3. If you're an MP's driver (admittedly you need sympathy for having to drive those dog-awful Rovers) or Alex Ferguson in need of a #2 you get let off, whereas ordinary punter moi gets 6 points grrrr

Matt I believe they do read out the car details, I have heard that from other people, and I did mine by mail order and they posted me the precise text of the statemnt that would be read out and it clearly said not only the make of the car but the exact model and the colour (black in my case) and you know my car so as you can imagine this all made me sound like a Jamaican drug runner or a pimp.

So I'm gonna swap cars with Mrs JFM. She can get all the police trouble and expose much cleavage and wear belly-button-revealing tops, and I'll have the diesel pedestrian-crusher and unknown to the police I'll put solly in it so it goes like stink.

I'm going to pusue the nuclear solution also of getting another driv licence, from another country