I've been having an intermittent problem acquiring satellites on my Garmin 120XL GPS. Spoke to the Garmin techies over the phone and tried everything they suggested (Ezinit, etc) but still had the problem.
I took it into their place in Romsey on Thursday & said I was down that way for a couple of days – the chap (Glyn Roberts) said he’d put it on priority.
Within 2 hours he phoned to say that they’d run tests & there was a problem with my antenna.
They gave me a new antenna & no charges for looking at it
A very good service I’d say for an out of warranty (and discontinued) item
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I took it into their place in Romsey on Thursday & said I was down that way for a couple of days – the chap (Glyn Roberts) said he’d put it on priority.
Within 2 hours he phoned to say that they’d run tests & there was a problem with my antenna.
They gave me a new antenna & no charges for looking at it
A very good service I’d say for an out of warranty (and discontinued) item
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