fundraising idea



I was most disappointed to find that I have no coloured name at 1000posts, or even a nice flower like Byron.

So...Can we pay a few quid to RNLI (and mebbe a bit to ipc for £admin) to have coloured names ? Perhaps make this renewable, so that if it becomes an utter mess then dump it? Or have the business development dron- er executives have thort of this already?

I wd say this is a very boaty idea. After all, who in their right mind would twaddle around with flags, or cleaning and poliching things that are about to be chucked around in salt water other than boaties? Same thing with nice coloured names, much cheaper maintenance and no marina fees.

Praps we could have a little selection box of colours, flags, coloured names + flags, coloured names +flag + flowers, half-coloured names with lower half in blue and top half white for fairlinies. Also pay extra praps for special selection exclusive colours not available to any others. Also this a fab idea for christmas, with most peeps hereabouts already done yawn venice, and all tangible things either stuck in garage or somewhere in a locker.

Oh and bagsy I purple for umm £10 quid a quarter. Ish. No, red. No purple with a flower. A red flower. Alright another fiver for a red flower, and another 5 for green flag. See?

Think this is where in TUC conferences they used to say: I Move!


Apparently the navy blue/white is too difficult to do, but not for emap or Harper Collins...


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16 May 2001
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Fine idea, esp for RNLI. BTW what's happened to auction Graham? Anyway, meantime you can be "matts" in green if you go to user options/display prefs/skin, then select "garish"

Not quite what you had in mind, and pretty erm horrid to look at, but worth a try. Is the background purple in "garish" the same as your new LS chairs?


Re: purple cows

blurgh. No. I tried to gettem to match:

and have now been sent sample hide from entire purple cow, a touch less whacky but definitely purple and more sophis colour than above. V thick leather only 2sqm from a whole hide, not softier but thinner beaten-out 5sqm per hide as per yarwoods who do the sunseeker stuff. or mebbe Italian cows are smaller and poor lickle veal ones? If so, I will reject and demand more animals to be needlessly killed made into samples and sent over for consideration. I got involved and suggested the eyties tried the Leeds co, and they did, but rejected re quality and price, interestingly double the eytie price, good to see eyties try a brit co sop readily...but certainly leather sample to me were much thinner, whereas this eytie stuff is tough as er new boots. Actual pics thursday mebbe.


Re: erm

izzit the same jenneau? I didn't realise. I just searched for "purple leather" and that came up. Nothing like it colour wise after all that chasing around as it happens, tho definite purple and quite nice under low voltage.


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16 May 2001
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Stand down, false alarm

Oops sorry, no it's nuthin todo with beneteau. My extensive research in the last 3 mins consists of ....

1. enter the url you sed, but without the last 2 legs mentioning jenny and purple

2. You get to a personal geocities page which is strangely reminiscent of old when you had the rippley waves, yerknow in the good ole days.

3. scroll to link at bottom of page to "leather backgrounds"

4. Then you have lots of leather. Apparently done in paintshop pro. I have not looked, but if you can drill into the paintshop files you shd get a precise numerical description for that shade of purple, which you could give to the cow farmer or the eyeties, which they'll then promptly ignore I spose

It will look fab on LS. BTW the colours are made by a company called Stahl (Dutch co, used to be in ICI but now ulimately owned by some pension funds and middle east investors) who do all the treatment for top leathers incl mega contracts with Beemer/Merc etc but also more bespoke stuff too, and they can mix any colour. I can call MD or the shareholders if any "no can do that Mr S" messages received from Italy

Anyway, the ref to jeanneau was clearly someone's name or something, nothing to do with boats. Phew.


Re: dang

I didn't know abt stahl or paintshop drilling. You shd do this eytie baiting/speccing instead. I will happily wing it on city sort of stuff for a while, and can live close by too, so can simulate v stenuous effort at least.


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16 May 2001
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As of Monday, for a week, I'll turn up to Matts plc and thrash the puter out in the corridor and look at the biccies and get faxes from Italy and erm, well that's it really. Matts can turn up here, shuffle lots of paper and emails, sign some stuff that a fresh out of college graduate says is just fine and generally wing it. Keys to beemer in top drawer, parking bay #23, hands off secretary, off we go.

Swap back on Friday, only to discover me subject to zillion lawsuits (so no change there then...) and Matts is proud owner of beige/sand/coffee/cream coloured LS23 with carpet everywhere, though laser powered anchor chain counter and generally nicish lektonix until they all break


Ypou won't get any feedback from Kim this week, saw him today at a Boat Show in Amsterdam and he's there on a stand all week playing with his computer and stuff. I asked him what he's going to do to mark your 1,000 and he said nothing. Actually he did answer and his answer was "nothingl". I even offered to buy him a beer but he declined, think he's off to get one of his little legs over tonight in the red light district. Bet he pulls this post too. BTW a good show, called METS, marine equipment trade show I think. Lots of equipment manuf's but no boats but a good int'l flavour. Companies from Holland, Japan, US, Denmark, Eyeties and Frogs etc, but no-one selling Soltron, I checked. Interesting to see what other countries have. Big Brit contingent all tucked nicely away in a hall all to themselves that hardly anyone was visiting, 'cos it was ever so well hidden. Big exhibition on at same time on ships stuff and that was really interesting. Have a look at the website, www if you're interested. Not sure of the web address for the METS exhibition though. Some really impressive bridge setups with ideal 42" screen chart\radar plotters that would look brill in a Leopard with proper hydraulic sprung armchairs for captain's seat with controls built into the seat arms.