New member
While relocating the main fuel filter and adding a second unit, I saw that the filter which I removed was full of crap.
What I would like to do would to be remove tank and renew or wash out, but the tank is so big that there is no way it is going to come out without removing part of the rear deck which I dont want to do.
I s there any form of vacuam system that could be connected to the tank which would collapse it, ie, crumple it to make it smaller so as to remove it.
I take it that it would be unsafe to cut it in situe, it is s/s.
I would prefer a lighter smaller plastic tank, as the engine is only a 12hp and not very thirsty.
What should I do? /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
What I would like to do would to be remove tank and renew or wash out, but the tank is so big that there is no way it is going to come out without removing part of the rear deck which I dont want to do.
I s there any form of vacuam system that could be connected to the tank which would collapse it, ie, crumple it to make it smaller so as to remove it.
I take it that it would be unsafe to cut it in situe, it is s/s.
I would prefer a lighter smaller plastic tank, as the engine is only a 12hp and not very thirsty.
What should I do? /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif