Fridges and dry-ice


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1 Jun 2001
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We used to have dry ice blocks delivered for a thermometer calibartion lab. They'd come under a tarpaulin on a flat bed,wrapped in bown paper, & in summer you'd get a few crumbsleft if lucky & still have to pay for it all.

Then had to powder it using a household wind-round cheese grater & use it for freezing triple-pont cells + low temp oil baths

When not blowing cupboard doors off by adding hot water, that is.

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11 Jun 2002
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our's used to come in a compressed foam bead container, with pellets of dry ice inside.
Often a P32 radioactive source inside a lead container.
We used to make a good deal on the lead containers for a while, until the price of lead dropped.

We had so much dry ice, we'd drop pellets into a big sink, huge, then pour in hot water.. The sinks were biological, so clear tubes from them. Drop the dry ice in, and labs 3 doors down would have dry ice smoke emerging , All the floors on the facility looked like a Top of the Tops floor stage. Clear waste tubes meant you could see it going down.
Many other tricks

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13 Jul 2002
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Re: An indignant apology

I'm sorry if I have repeated anything you have already said but you really cannot expect me to be able to find what you have said in pms

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Re: Expanding the idea

This is actually the level I was working to .... the Dry-Ice itself is far too cold after thought and therefore would be better to have a lesser level. Gas - liquid level is adequate.

The thought about the 'ice' level was that it is so cold that it would beat the summer temps etc. and provide excellent cooling ... but its too good !!!!

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
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No need to apologise ..

PM's are another matter and the forum should ignore them ... and I am sure that nothing was meant by the mention that we had covered it in pm's ....

Honestly I'm glad to see our points re-iterated by others ... means we may be on right track ....

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
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Tricks ....

I still think the best is the Foam Fire Extinguisher .....

Many a Cadet has done this .... Foam Fire Extinguishers have two components that mix when the seal is broken and extinguisher shaken upside down etc.

So what we used to do .... pour one compound into toilet bowl and mix. Second component was poured into water tank / cistern ....... some poor unsuspecting sod goes in ... does biz, pulls chain ..... viola gallons and gallons of foaming c.........

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
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5 Aug 2003
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Intentional misuse can save the day when you run out of CO2 for welding over the weekend. placed in a tank, it generates the gas to go on.

When melting, it liquifies just when the temperature is a little up (just a few degrees 3 or 5 I forgot and I am not looking it up) and one can keep it at constant pressure which I seem to think is only 68 bar. Which is not that much considering that I used to play around with 3600 and 3800 bar quite happily and regularly.

regards ongolo

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11 Jan 2004
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I used to travel Africa with a huge (GRP-lined) box of dry ice as a freezer to collect blood samples. (So I can assure you that dry ice is not death to GRP). We used a 2-stage freeze that required the sample to be held at minus 40 C for a while, we did this in the bush by dropping dry ice pellets into a container of pre-cooled methanol. Once after a hot day's freezing session I thought I could use this to quickly cool some beers. I put two beer bottles in and about 5 seconds later both exploded spectacularly sending a jet of glass, beer and methanol 10 feet into the air. So don't try that !

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