Forward planning??


New member
2 Oct 2006
Near Plymouth
Whatho me hearties etc etc. Boat is on its way and we are now planning to be in the Caribbean in the Autumn. However on the forward planning front I am trying to convince SWMBO that she does not need to return to UK for Christmas only shortly after we arrive!! The kids will be coming out late Jan when its cheaper and they can get time off. So personaly I see no need to go back to blighty. It would be a great help if any of you coves could advise what a fantastic time can be had (and where) so I can convince her that getting rum sozzled in the Windards/leewards Antilles etc is more fun if not better than getting Gin sozzled in grey rainy Plymouth. Anyone got any good advice ?? /forums/images/graemlins/ooo.gif


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
Visit site
Christmas in caribbee

oh, it's wonderful. A few pressies and a swim in warm blue water, rum punch and play with pressies all morning and find somewhere for lunch. Your sSwmbo's belief of xmas having to be at home comes simply from habit. I've had out of last 10 christmases in carib or similar, fab.

There are restaurants there who do the christmas thing of course. Perhaps book the day before.

Best of all everyone is makinga Big Effort to have christamas - so little christamas trees on foredecks etc, all very fun.

Foodwise, it is distincltly better in the french islands, so check out martinique. Le marin on south cornr 20miles from stlucia is very yotty, nice anchorage, tho french an advantage. The bar on the dock ooks straight out to the boats, free wifi. Nice restrnt le ti toq (cooks hat) or at least as clever but rough looking shack behind the yellow/blue blgs is ace lunch 10euros.

Your phone works in french islands...sort of. You can dial outand text each way, but calls inwards often don't get through - or try *without* the int'l code. Or summink.

No crackers inhand baggage i hear.


New member
11 May 2005
Thailand. Recovering from what felt like the longe
The Caribbean at Christmas? It's fantastic over there! The celebrations and parties are non-stop and the islands are full of visitors. It is absolutely my favourite place for Christmas.
My partner and I met in Antigua on Christmas Day 2003... He'd just sailed the Atlantic and I was on holiday... 3 years later here we are, having given up the rat-race and living on our yacht in Turkey - destination Caribbean Autumn 2008.
Nelson's Dockyard, in Antigua, hosts a great all day party on Christmas Day and another crazy party on New Year's Eve. English Harbour and Nelson's Dockyard are full to the brim with people from all over the world at that time of the year. The yachts range from £multimillion J Classes to the humblest of local sailing boat. Everyone mixes shoulder-to-shoulder and you can't help but make new friends amongst the eclectic mix of characters you'll meet there.
The locals are very welcoming and enjoy both the religious side of the festivities and the more secular celebrations. They'll make you feel very welcome.
It's a shame your family can't come out then because you could have such a great party together, but late January is still nice, though a little quieter and you will probably want a rest after all the excitement of the Christmas/New Year week.
Tell your wife it'll be a new experience, one of many that she has to look forward as a liveaboard. I bet she'll love it!!
PS. Give me an ice-filled rum punch in the sun at Christmas any time over a damp gin in England!!
If you click on our website (below) have a look at the section of the log in the Caribbean for more info...


New member
2 Oct 2006
Near Plymouth
Merci buckets for the feedback, seems like the whole of the Caribbean has a party and Antigua sounds good. More importantly the current Mrs HB is now starting to get the party spirit and is at least half way convinced!!!


New member
18 Apr 2006
Greece in Summer, Southampton in Winter
Antigua manki? Maybe. But it does have some rather fine azure blue anchorages, and security threats are low. French islands, or south in the Grenadines is maybe better. Grenada is a bundle of fun, and Bequia and Canouan delightful small islands - none of these have significant issues with security.