Forum Dive cruise On Blue Angel october 2013


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16 May 2001
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Well, I said it was easy, didn't I? :)
Nice work MapisM, and of course Scubaman. I really like that picture actually. One day when things are quiet we must do a thread of pictures of really nice skies with a boat in the foreground. "Geek alert!", I can hear you say. I will have many entries (not as good as this one) :D


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8 May 2006
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Interesting stuff K, thanks for the explanations.
Btw yep, I didn't ask about pics like BA bow at sunset, because the fill flash technique in that case was pretty obvious.
And not just because of the nice light on the bow, which would have been very dark otherwise.
The flash was also given away by the reflection on the steel fender holder.
In fact, I hope you don't mind if I took the liberty to remove it from that very nice pic of yours.
Though actually, the main reason why I played with that a bit was to bring back to life a small but important detail, which was too far from the flash to be properly filled.
A very easy spot the difference, on these before and after pics - see below... :)

You seem to have an eye for these things :)

That's neat. I wouldn't have thought there would be so much info left on the jpg to bring out the colors of the flag. Photoshop?


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11 Mar 2002
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Yep. Magic wand to select the dark flag, auto tone, job done.
Even better in the original hi-res version, obviously.
Not sure, can I just copy the "adjusted" IMG_5866.jpg in the dropbox folder you sent us?
Alternatively, I can email it to you and the other mates, of course.


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11 Mar 2002
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Roger wilco.
I'll attach a "b" at the end of the file name, just to not overwrite the original.
But only later tonight, I'm on a mobile device atm.

Btw, I was also thinking to create a folder to upload mine and S pics, though we just took a few with our mobiles.
For the u/w and other GoPro videos, I already passed them all to yourself on the SD card, but if anyone else is interested, I'm afraid they are quite a few gigs...
Maybe I'll upload the short video that I already posted, that is also heavy but still reasonable.


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11 Mar 2002
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Please do! I'm working on a short compilation from the second dive, I'll post it once it's ready.
Hi K (and everybody), this is to confirm that I just added a P&S folder where I put the few pics we made.
But don't hold your breath, they are just mobile phone pics...
It was nice to know that with such good photographers onboard we would have had nice memories anyway! :)
I also added the pic with the retouched flag to K folder, together with a couple of other pics, also with a "b" at the end of the name, which got the same treatment.
Otoh, I'm having problems uploading the 50Mb video, but I think it's just because I'm on a 3G connection at the moment, at my lake home.
Will try again tomorrow, but in the worst case, I will upload it on monday.
Have a nice wkend in the meantime!


Well-known member
11 Mar 2002
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Ok folks,
eventually, also for the original of my previous youtube video the upload came to completion.
You will find it in the P&S folder, it's called FDC.mp4.