Ford 2715E Recon?


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1 Jun 2001
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Have a 1980'ish 2715E with a nasty knock....almost 5000hrs recorded : anyone know a source for reconditioned units to use the same mountings etc?.

As a diesel novice....have been offered a full recon 2715E by local truck/car ford dealers (£2K + surcharge) : can I just get someone to swap over the relevant marinising bits & crane it right back in? or is it more involved than just the exhaust manifold,heat exchanger ,sea water pump etc?

Excuse ignorance, but 2 wheels or electrical is my usual area.

Thanks in advance.

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30 Nov 2001
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The core is just a truck/industrial engine so yes any recon should be OK just swap over the marine bits such as Raw water pump, heat exchanger/exhaust manifold, alternator, drive plate etc. From a Ford dealer shouldgive you a decent warranty as well. Might be worth phoning Lancing Marine as well as a lot of their work is with Fords such as this.
You say it knocks is the oil pressure low, anything specific?


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1 Jun 2001
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Oil pressure is OK (assuming guage/sender not misbehaving).

Knock happens on every second rev. : in time with opening of one valve on no.5 (closest valve of pair to rear,dunno if that's inlet or exhaust)...tho' that's just observation:may be unrelated to valve.

engineer who dismissed reports of the noise by me & went on to change many hoses,,filters,waterpump, clean heat exchanger etc etc etc & then afterwards heard the noise thinks it may be "stuck rings on 5 or 6 causing the piston to slap about in the bore....".

If it was a motorcycle engine I'd expect it to possibly be a big end knocking on the compression stroke.....but for my unaccustomed ears, all 6l diesels rattle like mad!.

tvm for advice: is there some sort of blanking plate on the truck version where the saltwater pump goes on the marinised one? (gear driven, on right side).

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30 Nov 2001
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If this is the engine I think it is (Late D Series) then it could be a broken piston or little end or similar, as I think these were prone to this. Isn't stuck rings otherwise you'd have huge amount of smoke but none or very little noise. Is this engineer the one you'd get to do the swop?
As to where sea water pump is driven fom not sure although Lancing would tell you. Could be from the air pump take off on the front of the block but not sure. All you can do is the get new and old standing side by side and see what needs swopping over, this is where a telephone call to Lancing could save you some time.
Whose conversion is it? Thorneycroft, Sabre, Mermaid


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Coversion is/was "gustavsson" (sp?) can't even get anodes for heat exchanger now.

Current raw-water pump drive from right side of block,about 1/2 way back....just trying to be sure that all the blocks had a hole there to accept it.

Thanks again, will call Lancing on Monday & see what they say.

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8 Sep 2002
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Had a 2701 Industrial unit which I converted a few years back,
The raw water pump was fitted on the right hand side under the injector pump facing forward,
If I remember correctly there was a triangular cover which when removed enabled the pump
to be fitted,
Put another way, It was fitted into the rear of the timing gears.
Was told this was where the hydrolic pump would be fitted if the engine was used as vehicle
This engine dated to the late seventies.


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17 Oct 2002
Essex Bradwell UK
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Sounds like your raw water pump is driven by the top end of the oil pump, this is normally either blanked off with a core plug, or opened to drive an electronic rev counter. Most Ford based units drive the jabsco raw water pump from the rear of the timing case underneath the injection pump, if the one you are buying was a lorry engine at birth you will find either a big hole there or a plate, normally in road guise this would have the compressor pump attached. Did your original pump oodles of water through the system? if not suggest you fit a jabsco in the proper place, log on to Mermaid Marine Engines, and study the lay up of their 180/212's.

<hr width=100% size=1>J HAMER


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Thanks omega2 & mike27 : I said "1/2 way back"....on reflection it's rather less than that, & refers to the rear of the pump, so is likely from rear of timing case as you've suggested.

Excuses(!) are ignorance & too many painkillers after removal of my tonsils on Tuesday (ouch,even now).

So, recon 2715E looks promising from easy fit/swap parts angle.
also keen to avoid paying engineer to strip/replace parts & still leave worn out cause of failure in situ- not confident after I've previously mentioned nasty knock & it's ignored until lots of expensive labour/new parts are fitted.

Next week will retrieve engine no. of fitted unit + ocnfirm recon price with ford dealer, still waiting for rough estimate of repair costs from engineer, but may have greater confidence in full recon. & boat should be mobile again in less time,I'd have thought.

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17 Oct 2002
Essex Bradwell UK
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Andy, If you can get a Ford warranted engine for £2000, take it, We enquired about a rebuild i.e. rebore mains pistons cam shaft rockers, and the parts were £1100, and the total would have been £1800, and no garantee. The Ford deals are in the main very good value, but do inform them that it will going into a boat, this may effect the warranty.

<hr width=100% size=1>J HAMER


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17 Oct 2002
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Andy, one more thing you will have to retain your sump and strainer pick up, as the engine in road use is fitted semi reclining. Ask for a complete gasket set, as you will have to fit your own rocker cover, and sump, you should get a new oil pump but the original pickup strainer will have to fitted. also the inlet and exhaust gaskets will be required. head gasket not required.
Good Luck

<hr width=100% size=1>J HAMER


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1 Jun 2001
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Again: more useful info.

Thankyou very much.

Price from dealer was £2050 + vat + £650 surcharge if old block does sound like the way to go : the confidence of a full ford recon for a few £100 more + less time with engine out of the boat.

Ta everyone: will report back at next stage.....probably "they want How Much! for cranage???"

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