Sorry Byron I was looking at the Launch not the 435. By the way I was looking recently at a couple of 435's
one at Ocean Village S'Hampton, would'nt mind the opinion of an owner, either via forum or email
at Mappy Xmas
The factory were due to launch her 22 Dec. and I wasn't going to say any more until I have seen her in mid Jan. for the hand-over. I am not complaining that Grand Banks Singapore are insisting on a 7 day handover in Singapore and then sending their engineer over here to do another handover when it arrives.
Well Byron, you are an ex-CW Lite man. So am I obviously, (cos I get it for free). Don't worry too much about BoltBlue, they will shape up OK. The dialled numbers still terminate on C&W equipment but point elsewhere for content. Personally, I am not involved in this bit of the internet, more so in the core and larger ISP's.
If you can disclose your interest in my project, I would be happy to let you know my progress and maybe this can be done by mail rather than the forum.
yes, several thousand go missing every year whilst at sea, of the backs, sides and fronts of ships. We had clients who track and sell spacre on these all around the world.