Floating caravan or motor cruiser


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14 Oct 2002
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I wonder what impact the masssive increases in fuel that have taken place will have on other forumites use of their boats. Will it be a case of 'Marina cruising' or to hell with the cost lets enjoy our expensive toys? I for one will be making more than gentle hints about running costs to friends who like to enjoy the boating experience with us and hope they contribute towards the cost of the fuel in some way.Am I being unfair and likely to loose them as friends what do you think?


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23 Aug 2008
Staffordshire Moorlands U.K.
I wonder what impact the masssive increases in fuel that have taken place will have on other forumites use of their boats. Will it be a case of 'Marina cruising' or to hell with the cost lets enjoy our expensive toys? I for one will be making more than gentle hints about running costs to friends who like to enjoy the boating experience with us and hope they contribute towards the cost of the fuel in some way.Am I being unfair and likely to loose them as friends what do you think?

Well if you lose them as friends, you've lost nothing as they were only using you.

Our boat's been mainly marina bound over the winter but that's been more due to the weather than anything else. We've got a few good trips planned for this year, weather permitting of course, but ours isn't too thirsty.


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12 Feb 2010
Glasson Dock
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Because I live a bit of a distance from my boat and it is not big enough to sleep on overnight, It is now cheaper to stay at a B&B overnight rather than pay for diesel for my 4X4 to go home and come back again the following day . Mind you the answer is to buy a bigger boat with accommodation.


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14 Mar 2002
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I wonder what impact the masssive increases in fuel that have taken place will have on other forumites use of their boats. Will it be a case of 'Marina cruising' or to hell with the cost lets enjoy our expensive toys? I for one will be making more than gentle hints about running costs to friends who like to enjoy the boating experience with us and hope they contribute towards the cost of the fuel in some way.Am I being unfair and likely to loose them as friends what do you think?
If you invite them, that's your hosptiality, isnt it? If they invite themselves, what we do is up to me-I wouldnt have been sitting in the marina anyway, so no incidental cost if they come along.
Most people pay offer to for something-lunch,marina,drinks etc.


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15 Nov 2004
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I wonder what impact the masssive increases in fuel that have taken place will have on other forumites use of their boats. Will it be a case of 'Marina cruising' or to hell with the cost lets enjoy our expensive toys? I for one will be making more than gentle hints about running costs to friends who like to enjoy the boating experience with us and hope they contribute towards the cost of the fuel in some way.Am I being unfair and likely to loose them as friends what do you think?

What's the insurance situation when "guests" become "paying passengers"?

Deleted User YDKXO

I for one will be making more than gentle hints about running costs to friends who like to enjoy the boating experience with us and hope they contribute towards the cost of the fuel in some way.Am I being unfair and likely to loose them as friends what do you think?

Thats a really difficult issue, I find, because most people simply haven't adjusted their brain to the sheer amount of fuel that a motor cruiser uses. For most people filling up a car with £100 of fuel is extravagant enough but my boat uses that amount of fuel in 45 mins at 20kts. In the past I have found that asking for a contribution for fuel, even if its been discussed up front, leads to awkward situations. Once a year I go boating with some mates who know how much a boat costs to run and they know up front what its going to cost but, for other visitors, I dont talk about any kind of contribution. If they offer, I'll let them decide how much and I wont argue if its far too little, just make a mental note not to invite them again


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9 Jul 2004
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As someone who until recently had been without a boat for a couple of years I have (I think!) always made a contribution be it fuel/meal etc when I've been invited out.

Seems only fair :) although from previous experence I know it simply doesn't cross some peoples mind :(


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12 Aug 2004
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It seems to me that there are several different types of situations:

If it's a group of people who all go fishing together every Saturday then I would expect some costs to be shared so that the boat owner doesn't have to subsidise the running costs for everyone else.

If they are irregular guests it's the same as inviting them to your house, you don't require them to pay anything but it's lovely if they spring for a meal or a decent bottle.

If they're family you just pay and keep your thoughts to yourself. :D


24 Aug 2005
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Given up on inviting people but best plan is to tell them about hotels they can stay in, 4am departure due to tide and the very expensive restaurant you will be dining at.Chuck into the conversation how much it costs to have and some last guests didn't contribute a penny.


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20 Oct 2008
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Most non-boaty peops (at least in my exp) have very little idea of the running costs, thinking probably its like a 4x4 or something to run. When you explain that the 4 hours travelling time in the round trip just made has used about 220L of fuel at about a quid a litre, they look at you in disbelief.

Just wanted to add - when they ask how much it costs to keep the boat at the Marina, their shock is even greater!
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14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
I'm puzzled by all this. Do people want friends to come with them or not? If not, don't bloody invite them! If you do, enjoy their company, and there is little additional cost, unless they are daft enough to expect you to feed them at posh hotels - and you are daft enough to encourage the silly idea.

My son & his family come with us & pay for much of the stores we buy & take their share of cooking & tidying up. They are good company & always invited if available. but it does always surprise me that they can put up with the two old farts that Mum & Dad have turned into. :rolleyes:


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6 Nov 2001
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"I'm puzzled by all this. Do people want friends to come with them or not "

As I actually took into consideration the fact that fuel prices were never going to stay at 10p a gallon for ever,always bought boats I could actually afford to run,the thought of requiring any contribution from folks in order to finance a run out seems a bit sad to me.
Anybody who goes out on my boat is my guest and its my treat,if they want to bring some grub and nice bottle of wine,thats fine,its their company I need not their money.
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14 Oct 2002
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"I'm puzzled by all this. Do people want friends to come with them or not "

As I actually took into consideration the fact that fuel prices were never going to stay at 10p a gallon for ever,always bought boats I could actually afford to run,the thought of requiring any contribution from folks in order to finance a run out seems a bit sad to me.
Anybody who goes out on my boat is my guest and its my treat,if they want to bring some grub and nice bottle of wine,thats fine,its their company I need not their money.

I have been a guest when I was between boats for a couple of days on a friends boat.Because I realise the costs involved I paid for 2 nights mooring(big boat 90 odd quid).Most people we have had on board bring booze and other goodies.I think its the principal of that bothers me if they don't offer.


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28 Nov 2008
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I put money aside each month to cover fuel costs, if I get it wrong and cant afford the trip I intended to take, I replan and go to somewhere nearer... average return run in and around the IOW for us is about £50-£70 at £1.37 a litre (Jerry cans) so not worth hassling guests over


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16 May 2001
Hampshire / Solent
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When I invite friends and family, I don't expect them to pay for anything, however most seem to offer to pay towards fuel, but I have always refused, I feel too awkward considering I invited them. So usually they will pay for my meals and the odd berthing costs etc, but now that fuel is so expensive I might think again this year.

When I am invited to go flying with my cousin, I always insist paying towards the fuel bill, just seems to be the decent thing to do.