In this weeks local property press is Temple Lock Eyott (Marlow Bucks). For sale at the snip of 55K. One question when it floods in winter and your isalnd gets washed away - what do you do.
Another island for sale is "Ynis Giftan" at Porthmadog, North Wales. Right in the middle of an estuary with Portmeirion as the view (you remember, the place where "The Prisoner" series was filmed!). Loads of acres, no flooding....oh and no eleccy / mains water etc.
But it does have a farm house.... c£60k I believe.
At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go back in the same box.
Why not hire a monster dredger fil it up with stuff an take it up the river to one of the posh bits(Nr byron or mebbe winndsor castle would be good).Dump the lot and create your own very cheap but instantly posh bit of real island could have hours of fun annoying the locals by filling it with heapy old boats full of hippies/lowlifes and other such riff raffy types,who could throw rocks/bottles at toffs emerging from local marinas..