Hm, a very boring newsletter, I am afraid to say. It is quite nerdily webmasterish imho. Sorry.
And not in the least Fairliney: cautiously close to the frot line of conspicuous consumption yet simulataneoulsy and quite rightly attentively concerned that the curtains have the same tonal quality as the carpet, and that the deep blue sea is mirrored and complemented by the rich deep blue of the hull*. We need to know that the ice cubes are clear, the cherry veneers are from a renewable source, and that the beers are served with a glass for goodness sake (at least until the owner's wife has crashed out) and that the guests will have a nice clean shirt in the morning. We need to hear how the boats are sensibly equipped with twin diesels BUT certainly not in the least bit garishly and wastefully overpowered. We want to see a newsletter that puts our beloved Fairlines firmly in the authoritative hot seat of British-lead boating, the guardian of our motorboated seas and estuaries, the color co-ordinated and fully leather-uphostered** Rover P5 coupé lounge snug of the waves. Land of hope and glory ....
* (applies to Targa range only)
**(applies to Squadron range only) bitch, remember je suis is actually proper 'puter nerd and in this instance will not respond to your comments until you have registered yourself on my forum.
Quite right. Pete, may I strongly suggest that next newsletter includes three page epic about dangers of self assembly furniture in a non-boat-based office building.