Ever been rescued?



MBY is running a Safety Special shortly, and we're looking for some real-life tales of disaster and rescue at sea. So have any of you had cause to be rescued by the RNLI? If so, we'd like to hear about it (if you'd prefer to remain anonymous, that's not a problem). If you've got a story to tell, that might fit the bill, I'd like to hear from you either here on the forum, in a PM, or on the phone (020 7261 6085). Thanks.



Nope, any form of rescue by a professional/volunteer rescue service (here or abroard).


No, but it's right up there with launching a trailboat with the trailer lighting board still in place...fizz, bang, ooops!


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Well I wasnt going to bother. But it looks like your best so far.
Got towed back to Marina by a Police launch. About 200 yds.
When both engines overheated in Plymouth harbour. Must have been a lump of polythene under the intakes. Its not much but best you got so far.
Will I be Famous!!

Dont forget to order your Burgee. PM me.



Not exactly being winched off the foredeck of a blazing motor-cruiser in a F8 in the North Sea clutching two orphans, a dog and a nun to your chest, but being dragged back to harbour by the fuzz has got to be worth a mention (must have made your eyes water, too).


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31 Jan 2002
Port Solent
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RNLI helicopter megaphoned us in the solent and asked if they could land someone on us and pick him up again for practise. Kids thought it was great fun.


Well-known member
28 Nov 2002
Niton Radio
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Not RNLI I think

The rescue helicopter that operates in the solent is run by a company called Bristow and contracted to do the job by the Coastguard, its not the RNLI.

I think it is part of the contract that they perform one drop and lift everyday, its a practice thing, often out of season/mid week etc they are keen to help, I think the sailing schools sometimes ring up and ask for demo.

Never been rescued from a boat....but from other circumstances caused by alcohol abuse......

....specialising in over budget, late delivery project management...


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6 Oct 2001
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Ok hows about both batteries go down and I'm drifting in a fast current towards amphroque with to passengers on board. Had dinghy but no motor. No power to get anchor down in a hurry so we all sat at the back starboard side of the boat which forced it to drift wide of the rock. Cant get motor started so end up calling St Peter Port radio for help after trying all my mates using my mobile but they werent out due to rough weather.

SPP relay distress and a fishing boat comes to our aid, 6 knot chugger. Mean while in the swell I am trying to fend of boats from each other whilst getting tow rope ready, as fishing vessel suddenly pulls away I fall off the side of the boat but luckily I went for a crap earlier and left the toilet window open which my foot found and also luckily I grabbed hold of the rails. Got back on board adjusted tow rope and proceeded back to St Peter Port.

Halfway along the north shore of Herm (rough seas) we realised that FIL boat was still in Herm harbour with tide dropping and leg down so got towing vessel to head to Herm, dropped tow in the harbour and put anchor out by hand as windlass wont work with engine off. Kept Spp Radio aware of our position and status every 10 mins during rescue.

Dropped dinghy down and ferried FIL to his boat then rowed back to mine and secured dinghy again. Then (still rough seas) threw a tow rope to FIL whilst he passed our boat and hauled anchor whilst he kept the tension and then went to St Peter Port. Advised SPP radio of swap of tow and had them ready with a dorey upon entering the harbour. Dorey tied up to us (wrong side for my berth) and towed me into Albert Marina with only inches to spare of draught under boat. He then left me in my mooring spot bow in so after he left I had to manhandle the boat round to go in stern to.

All in all 5 hours from break down to safely in harbour.

Do I qualify? You should hear about my FIL rescue was allover tabloids.



Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Hmmm. Problem is, none of us has done a Tony Bullimore but loads have had minor scrapes I spect. Eg.....

My boat was tied up alongside the Glandore lifeboat in Aug 79, Fastnet storm. The lifeboat got wrecked, mine was fine (we had better fenders). So we became the de facto lifeboat for rest of summer. Lots of sailboat rescues etc. When they replaced the lifeboat then next year, if broke down so we rescued it, towed it in, past waving and laughing crowd

My brother (a solicitor and boater/diver) advised one of the (alleged) owners of a dive charter boat in Oban last summer, there was dispute over its ownership. The other alleged owner "claimed" it back by pretending to be charter customer and forcibly taking possession of it at sea, kidnapping the captain, and eventually sailing to to Northern Ireland. Lifeboats and warships made chase, much screeching of tyres Sweeney style as platoon of N Ireland rozzers arrested kidnappers in N. Ireland harbour. He can give you the plot, I'll send you his email address if you want


I got towed back to my mooring by the sea scouts in Poole harbour, what do I win (they were in uniform )