New member
I have a tidy Regal Bowrider 1800 with 3 litre petrol engine. Boat engine was up and running successfully after winter storage but stupidly I decided to remove and attempt to repair the 5" Faria tachometer which had the needle stuck at 1000rpm. Use of magnet to move pointer failed so I dismantled the tacho, eased the pointer and put the guage back together again. Now I have another problem when I turn the ignition on, I get no volts on my voltmeter but fuel and oil guages go to top scale immediately. Similar problem with trim guage. Engine turns over but doesnt start and I dont want to persevere with that when the guages are haywire. Evidently I have wired something up wrongly or disturbed non tacho wiring with my work. Can anyone advise what fault would make my guages go full scale?? Thanks