Eco-Blast rechargeable compressed air it good, or too busy being 'green'?


Well-known member
23 Sep 2008
Costa Brava
I use one of these Plastimo ones:


Dirt cheap (four quid), indestructible and did very well in comparative tests one of the mags ran recently. You have to blow it properly (slow start to avoid locking the reed closed) but learning the technique takes about ten seconds.

I have one of those as well. They do work well and all the time. No chance of finding it an empty air cylinder when you suddenly need it.

We have a very memorable occasion where we used it. We were on starboard tack going along nicely and a AWB with just main up is trundeling slowly along on port tack on a collision course with no one to be seen. 5 blasts on that, and the guy rushes up on deck completely naked with his **** at half mast! The women members of the crew were most amused.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Thanks for responses, especially regarding avoidance of the rusting metal cylinder. I've seen the all-plastic one too.

Does the cylinder stay pressurised indefinitely, ready for action as required, or does it leak gradually?

I'm wondering why anybody continues to buy the throw-away type, if the Eco-Blast is as loud and offers free rechargeable ever-ready performance.

Does the tone diminish pitifully as the cylinder empties? Though, I suppose the same is equally true of non-rechargeables nearing expiry. Like sleeping flatulence. :rolleyes:
I happened to press the button of mine in a locker last weekend - it let out a loud blast. It must be at least 5 years since I last pumped it up (I don't do much sailing in fog and TBH if I did the last thing I would be worrying about would be the correct sound signals). So I can assure it holds its pressure well enough

The tone seems pretty good until it comes to it's last gasp when it lets out a bit of a pathetic wheeze.


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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I saw this the other day, and wanted one. Not sure why, I'm unlikely to go sailing if fog is remotely likely, but there it was in the chandlery looking ingenious...

View attachment 40633

It says the output is 115db...which I know isn't as loud as various non-rechargeable horns. But is it louder than the classy-looking brass mouth-horns available?

There's a Youtube demonstration which makes it sound unpleasantly high-pitched - though as long as it's audible I suppose that's what counts in a serious situation.

Before the humorists descend, it isn't my plan to bolt a train-horn to the Osprey's foredeck, I'm just interested whether this rechargeable solution is effective at sea.

I have a Dutch copper & brass horn my previous owner left o/b. its very "green" just puff into the small end, toot toot