East Devon, Beer Roads


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30 May 2001
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That's my usual stomping ground, much of our diving is done off Beer, bottom is mixture of rocky boulders and reefs with mud and sand in between. Very sheltered from both North and West, but as usual with this coast don't even think about it if anything from the south is forecast, also would not want to be there in a strong easterly.

The beach shelves pretty quickly and there's a good pub about 50 yards up the road, + Jimmy Green Marine is also only a few hundred yards away for good deals on rope etc.

Hope you enjoy it!


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30 May 2001
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Agree with above - and Lyme is only a stone's throw if you want more shelter. Lot of fishing pots though between Beer and Exmouth.


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7 Jun 2001
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I have over-nighted there a couple of times in recent years. Its sheltered between W and NE, and good enough from SW in settled conditions. Possible to get quite close into the shore near the beach in front of the village, where the road comes down, with good holding but rocky on the west side. One or two summer moorings are now laid. Much better than the moorings off Lyme, unless of course you can take the ground inside the Cobb. But don't even think of going if there is any possibility of strong winds between SW and SE, a very nasty place to be on a lee shore. I believe the local yacht club launch over the top of the cliff, as the beach isn't tenable in bad weather.

I've never tried up the Axe at Seaton. That would be sheltered, once inside. Looked at it once, but my nerve failed. There are 20 or so local yachts in there now. Anyone got tips?


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31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Had a look at the Axe from the land. Looks nice as long as you go in near the top of the tide, there's no chance of being caught with a strong wind coming onto the bar, and you can take the ground against the wall if there's a spot available, or in the pool before the road bridge if not.


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30 May 2001
N Devon
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Re: ? for LongJohn

I used to live in Beer so I know it pretty well. The shelter is v good in anything other than S-SE, and the holding good a little way out from the rocks. There are a few good pubs, excellent pasties and a great fresh fish stall by the beach which sells mouth-watering locally-caught scallops! Also brilliant cliff walks.

Axmouth YC is v friendly and welcomes visitors for free (usually). You will need to take the ground anywhere other than against the wall (usually occupied by fishing boats) or in the centre of the pool. Never try entering or crossing the bar in a wind against tide situation - it is lethal. But at the top of the tide entry is relatively simple, keeping towards the wall side for the deepest channel.

Shops and pubs in nearby Seaton (1/2 mile away) are very tourist oriented and not too great, but there is a good supermarket and a great beach.

Nearest safe port to run to is Exmouth - quite a hike if it blows up but safe in all weather.

Happy sailing!


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Re: ? for LongJohn

Ken afraid it's suck it and see, there are quite a few reefs closer in shore as well as rocky areas, just don't get too close to the cliffs in the corner of the bay, very shallow and much of it dries. Keep a hundred yards or so out and you should be ok.

I agree that the scallops there are some of the best around, have brought up (to the surface!!) quite a few hundred dozen myself!! The fish stall mentioned below is excellent.