New member
We complete all the training, we carry all the safety gear, rope cutters, spare vhf, gps, lifejackets, flares, liferafts, tools, engine spares etc,etc,etc. Whilst in no way am i decrying any of this preparation for disaster, i am wondering how many forum members have had to use any of this safety equipment in earnest and under what circumstances. How many of you have offered assistance to other boat users in difficulties?
We all read the boating press and shudder at some of the stories told of engines failing on a lee shore, boats hitting submerged containers and such like, but in reality how often are such events taking place.
<hr width=100% size=1>"Open Another Bottle"
We all read the boating press and shudder at some of the stories told of engines failing on a lee shore, boats hitting submerged containers and such like, but in reality how often are such events taking place.
<hr width=100% size=1>"Open Another Bottle"