Well-known member
Rain certainly stopped play today. So stuck onboard I finally got round to building a new anchor light. This has come up a few times, ..
Regulator is based on this circuit from here..
Bits cost about 4 quid, plus the pvc pipe and little box for the regulator. But with delivery etc more than that.
The regulator seems very stable, I put in a potentiometer instead of a fixed resistor so it could be adjusted.
Spent a bit of time looking at the Vf of each LED then averaged them out so each string would draw the same current. Then measured the current of each string when they were all connected and swapped a few LEDs so all strings are within a couple of mA's.
Wiring them up was a bit fiddly, soldered them in batches of 3 by putting them in backwards then inserted them inside. With all the positives paralleled above and the negs below.
Not too much work, the regulator is in its' own little box but it should be possible to fit the whole lot inside the pvc pipe.
There is certainly some "banding" where the LED beams overlap, not sure how noticeable this will be in the real world. But bright!
Draws 0.1A.
Just need it to stop raining and get dark so I can have a look from a distance
One question:- What to use to fill the pipe up with to make it completely waterproof? Epoxy would cost more than the bits.
Regulator is based on this circuit from here..
Bits cost about 4 quid, plus the pvc pipe and little box for the regulator. But with delivery etc more than that.
The regulator seems very stable, I put in a potentiometer instead of a fixed resistor so it could be adjusted.
Spent a bit of time looking at the Vf of each LED then averaged them out so each string would draw the same current. Then measured the current of each string when they were all connected and swapped a few LEDs so all strings are within a couple of mA's.
Wiring them up was a bit fiddly, soldered them in batches of 3 by putting them in backwards then inserted them inside. With all the positives paralleled above and the negs below.
Not too much work, the regulator is in its' own little box but it should be possible to fit the whole lot inside the pvc pipe.
There is certainly some "banding" where the LED beams overlap, not sure how noticeable this will be in the real world. But bright!
Draws 0.1A.
Just need it to stop raining and get dark so I can have a look from a distance
One question:- What to use to fill the pipe up with to make it completely waterproof? Epoxy would cost more than the bits.