OH DEAR!! WHAT NEXT!! With great thanks to Derek (Canboria) we got the boat out of the water and on to the trailer, the trailer has NOT been set up for the boat and all the rollers and bunks are the wrong heights, madening when I specifically asked the dealer to check this having seen an article about either on here or Ribnet. Anyway we could see where all the anti-foul was buggered up after the last launch escapade. I took Derek back to the marina and then my elder son who had come to help asked if he could have a McDonalds, anyway there is a drive through one at the end of the Medway tunnel, yes you have guessed it, but wrong NO I didn't go through the drive through I parked at the side. I went to do my vehicle check as someone had mentioned as we had only done about two miles. I went round the vehicle and in the sunshine I noticed a dent in the side of the boat above the water line on the Port side two thirds of the way to the front, BUT the dent was outwards!! with no signs of any damage, cracked paint e.t.c. I looked inside the cuddy cabin, it is lined with white furry stuff so I could not see what it was, there was no sign of anything inside that could have done this. WHAT could it be? IF the dealer had polished the boat as he promised anyone would have seen it as your hand would run over a lump. Anyway I was MAD as ever as I have had it up to my eyebrows with the service I have had, I rang the dealer and told them I was making an official complaint to Glastron in the USA, as the trailer had not been done properly, th engine has an alarm going, the tap doesn't wor, the Decal on one side is flapping off, the anti-foul is fouled, no hour meter was fitted as promised, e.t.c e.t.c
So I have the boat at home, I am now giving it a good rinse and wash, Oh! does anyone know how the ear things work on the engine that you put the hose on to, I have them and would like to rinse the engine out but will wait for someone to tell me what to do.
Thank you in anticipation as always, good kind friends /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
I will soon be ready to spend next weekend on a bloody farm in a field moo, moo [laugh[]
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>
So I have the boat at home, I am now giving it a good rinse and wash, Oh! does anyone know how the ear things work on the engine that you put the hose on to, I have them and would like to rinse the engine out but will wait for someone to tell me what to do.
Thank you in anticipation as always, good kind friends /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
I will soon be ready to spend next weekend on a bloody farm in a field moo, moo [laugh[]
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>