Diesel engine


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22 Nov 2001
North East, Teesside
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Many thanks to all who replied gives me food for thought. Incidently I was a forklift service engineer once and they supplied a new sherpa 1800 with overdrive this van was grossly overloaded and thrashed to death covering over 100,000 mls a year for the three years I had it. It never failed or missed a beat other people had transits and stuff all suffered engine blow ups and start failures in cold weather, maybe theres some truth in the old story about diesels liking hard work!.
PS Steel Slug I dont know what "PM" is so I replied as a post.


Active member
10 Oct 2001
Poole Dorset
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hiya, i had a 1800 sherpa with god knows how many miles on it... never let me down, but old now, better to look at the spare issue and make sure you can source another engine cheaply if yours dies.

as for the PM thing, click on the name... in my case aztec... you will get a screen, on this screen you will have info like name, boat type, where abouts we are etc... go to the bottom of the screen and you will see "send a personal message" click it and you will be able to send the equivilent of an email to that person.

in contrast you have received a PM, when the flashing envelope appears on your screen, somewhere on the title bar... click it and you can read the message... i think i sent you one earlier.... try it, it's a good way of communicating without the "clunk of the forum"

cheers, steve.

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Active member
10 Oct 2001
Poole Dorset
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no problem, most of us have, but few of us admit it!!

try sending a PM, get a feel for it. it's a great way to get info, loads of experts!!/forums/images/icons/wink.gif

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