DFLight-RIP. Gone but not forgotten

  • Thread starter Deleted User YDKXO
  • Start date

Deleted User YDKXO

A brief but brilliant career but sadly cut down in his prime by the MBY thought police. All donations to the Bayliner Owners Rehab Centre. Cards and flowers to Matts


Re: not me! calling DFL and Kim

That wasn't me!. Honest honest. Mine wd be much madder than that, and not so prone to pulling the plug. Somebodt texted me with Bayliner binliner query and I wondered wot was going on. Pity I missed it all. But of course, the long finger of suspicion points to to fringe elements. But I was out of the office, honest. Even I could not have dreamt all that up.

Kim, cd some of it be put back in edited version? Or has DFL been taken out, so to speak? Also pls confirm that DFL was

a) real or fake

and anyway

b) not me

Anyway, if DF Light could pls advise on the sort of C W he likes, I will see what we can do. And if we coudl possibly be a bit more helpful with newbies rather than mince them up (pauline, hlb, Deleted User) then we might have more jolly fun! Mind you, seems 2 hrs quite good run.


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10 Sep 2001
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Well I liked him. He started off by defending my right to choose a cheapo petrol boat and ended by threatening to sink me in Chichester marina tomrrow. As if I'm going to need any one elses help to sink myself!

If anyone has a boat in the harbour - I suggest you confirm your insurance is up to date....

Barry D.

Deleted User YDKXO

Re: not me! calling DFL and Kim

Oh sorry, must have been your mate Osama then. Guess we'll have to get Dubya to nuke him for this as well


Re: Duncan, missing you dreadfully

I'm so upset. As I said in my reply-from-the-heart to him, Duncan is the first poster on this board that I've felt any empathy with. He was a good man. The rest of you are schmucks. I'm going to take my Pershing 65 for a run to Galway to console myself.


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: not me! calling DFL and Kim

I'm in the process of unravelling yesterday's riddle. The original post has been preserved and will be republished once I find the origin but I took one look at the way some of our treasured regular combatants were treating the whole thing and decided enough was enough.

As you know we do not moderate this forum but simply monitor it for compliance with Ts and Cs. A mild and good humoured appeal here for all to not rip newcomers to shreds. If you suspect someone is spoofing it up, there are ways and means of dealing with it that don't involve crass criticism that might, in fact, be very badly targetted.

Users might not like a) petrol b) American boats c) people that have yet to learn the board lingo but gathering like a pack of lions around them is not a great way of usefully expanding the scope of this forum. As per the mags there should be room here for everyone - thanks for making the point Matt.

Nuff said...stepping out of my pulpit.


Re: Pink financing ....

Well I'm not sure I can say. Camera never lies. Although the power of the pink pound these days is amazing, like I said I didn't buy the Pershing cash, axshully a mate lent me the money, hmmmm... must remeber to tell my building society bout it


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Kim - reality check please

Kim, I totally agree that new users and new boaters need to be treated helpfully, but to be fair this board does that generally.

But I'm sorry, re-read Duncan's post. It was most definitely a spoof. Yet reading your post above re rounding like a pack of lions etc you evidently think it might be genuine! Come on, take a reality check, no way was that a newbie, (Montego, P38, Miami Vice). I don't mind if you can posts that contain swearing (regulars here dont do that) or that otherwise step out of line, but this was most definitely not a case of regular board members being bad to a newbie.



Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: Kim - reality check please

Okay, understood, but please remember if I can suspect a problem, then casual browsers and new users stand very little chance of identifying some of the humour as...humour. Just trying to ensure that this area doesn't become exclusive - not seeking the thought police badge of honour.

The help that many of you provide for others on this board is appreciated.

Meantime, if the owner of the Hotmail address registered to Duncan Light would like to come forward then I can clear this little matter up...


Re: spoof or not?

Mebbe looking only at the original, it seems a spoof. But later responses wd have been more measured, surely, further off the wall with how to clean shag pile, polished hemis? Instead, he flipped. Anyway, if one did buy a big twin petrol, Miami Vice seems a not unreasonable name. Too obvious? But what if he had claimed scots ancestry and had a boat called Braveheart?

Fully agree with Kim, altho prps for less altrusitic reasons. Next time, please askem for more info, and have a more extended hoot erm conversation. I am most annoyed that I was too late to engage in C+W hits such as Marty Robbins' Ma Maybeline Mebbe Lurves My Ma and such.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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How many new users do we think could put their photos straight on this forum and who else do we know who is an extremely regular poster who has just discovered how to do this? Hmmmmm!!!!!


Re: Look...

I am the only dolt in this computer company who wouldn't know how to do loads of things, and even the kids manged to muck abt with home puter to make it look like the scrren had frozen by taking a screen shot of the desktop and using it as wallpaper, then hiding the icons so sod all worked.

I promise that if I ever do a spoof it will be much better than dfl.

AND very horrid to new users if we all go aha - a spoof! There lots of nutters out here. I mean out there.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: spoof or not?

I still say most def a spoof. Come on, domestic paint and 8 track? I admit I suspected Matt at first but not when DLight made his subsequent posts. I still reckon an insider did it, off this BB, have a strong suspicion but not totally sure (Chichester....). And if s/he's real, my offer of free petrol for MV2 stands, I'll even throw in some NO2, so come on down and claim. Norbert or Peter Mandelson or whoever was obviously a spoof, it was posted 10mins after the first spoof and was me just responding to spoof with spoof, and I didn't conceal my identity to the webmasters cuz I used my normal email (name spelled in full) not a speshully created hotmail



New member
14 Jun 2001
almost but not quite Fleet, Hampshire
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possibly a real one?....

what with all the people out of asylums because of the 'care in the community' program, it's possible one has managed to get into a cyber cafe and do this as most nutters wouldn't look out of place there and who on earth would own up to being an estate agent

BTW: I wonder how Barry is getting on with the sea trial, he's got a nice day for it, I wish I was opn my boat and not stuck in this bl**dy office!


Re: unravelling

aha. So that's me out cos i have no clue about hotmail. And the norbert trail being you, see even carefully consulty person like you can't keep quiet for v long. The longer it stays quiet the more likely twas real.

I was out with Mrs S on our anniversary lunch from 12.30, backed up by the fact that our anniversary was actually the day before and we had both totally forgotten, a cast-iron alibi. And nobody else does that sort of thing cos all hard at work paying for boats.