Cruising Portugal


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30 May 2001
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Thinking about next years hols.
Portugal has been suggested but I know virtually nothing about it's suitability as a cruising destination.
What we tend to look for is a crusing area with a number of relatively short (25 miles) hops, pleasant anchorages or marinas, a bit of life when we need it and peace and quiet when we don't.
Does Portugal fit the bill and if so which bits?

Any advice will be much appreciated and may result in a postcard next year.

<hr width=100% size=1>Dave L.


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3 Dec 2001
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Having recently been along the North Coast of Spain and down the Atlantic coast to the Algarve, we'd say you can't do better than the Spanish Rias, Altas and Bajas. Next we'd recommend the North Coast of Spain. There is some amazing scenery and it's consistently interesting.

Atlantic Portugal as a cruising ground just can't compete. What Portugal does have is some wonderful historic, architectural and aesthetic sites to drool over, if that's your bent. Porto, Batalha, Lisbon and many, many more we missed. Maybe the Algarve Coast from Sao Vicente to the Guidiana will prove more stimulating?

By the way what do carpets of mullet say about local water quality and why don't the locals scoop them out? Just about everything else appears on the market slabs!

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9 Jul 2001
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Great place, but there are big gaps in places to stop on the Atlantic side. Algarve has some closer together but often v crowded in Summer and (IMHO) all a bit samey.

I'd do NW Spain (Galicia) which is fab for cruising about in and then touch a bit further South, turning back at say Cascais. Depends whether you're planning on a short trip or an extended break. Also bear in mind that in Summer, there's a bit of a current against you coming North along Atlantic coats of Portugal and winds on the nose too, so can be a bit of a slog.

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7 Jun 2001
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Portugal doesn't offer worthwhile cruising grounds, though there are some interesting places to visit, particularly Lisbon.

And it can be a pain to get back. Stick to the rias in north-west Spain.

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29 Jun 2001
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W coast Portugal has few harbours, far apart and most are impossible to enter in heavy onshore weather.

The Algarve is OK but crowded during the season.

The Guadiana is delightful, many once having arrived there never leave.

Far better are the Spanish Rias which compare with the western isles of Scotland.

Has the recommendor ever been to Portugal?

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Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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Been to Cascais a couple of times. OK, a few pubs round the marina and handy for a train into Lisbon. The supermarket was closed down when I was there in June this year, so it was a bit of a hike to get provisions back to the boat. I've heard that if you do go up to Lisbon itself, the marina is under, or very close to being under, a motorway bridge, and the clacking noise from cars going over the expansion joints in the bridge is horrible.

Sines further down the coast is definately a place to avoid. When I was there 2 years ago, the showers were just a portacabin. Did get a excellent meal at night, though.

Lagos is OK, though I suspect it would be extremely buisy in the high season. I was there in October time, and it was nice.

Hope this helps.


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6 Oct 2002
South of France
Have not yet had the pleasures of the rias and northern spain but know the algarve and along to Cadiz quite well, and have thoroughly enjoyed the area.

Some of the places are the touristy algarve at it's worst (Villamoura for example) but others are great fun. The sand banks of Olhao offer great swimming and secure anchorages, Tavira is a sweet little town to visit, Lagos is fun (though as people say croded), Albefura is hideous on land but fun pilotage to get in and v pretty from the water, Baleera is also interesting, close to the memorial to Henry the Navigator and so on.

Like everybody says, the Guidiana is great fun, very pretty. Once you go inland beyond Villa Real it is (so far!) very empty. On the Spanish side, there are some fun places too, notably going up the Guadaquivir to Seville and also singing beards in Cadiz.

It does depend what you want, but I have enjoyed myself there in pretty reliable winds, nowhere too far apart and so on.

Would completely agree about the western coast - once south of Cascais (whch I have not visited), there's only Signes (which I've been to twice) which is very small and not fascinating, and then you come round the corner anyway.

Enjoy wherever you end up

<hr width=100% size=1>Sarah&Pip


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30 Sep 2003
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As others wrote you have a better cruising area in NW Spain especially Galicia rias.
IMHO sailing Portugal coast is interesting only if you're on your way South to Canary islands or Med... or if you intend to visit Porto, Lisbon...
(for a summer holiday : better to visit some Brittany anchorages on your way back from Galicia than going souther)

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30 May 2001
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Thanks to all for your comments and suggestions.
Looks like Portugal may be marginal but you've given me some ideas for further research.
Thanks again

<hr width=100% size=1>Dave L.