Crossing the SW Sunk


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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Following a useful period of time over the SW Sunk on Thursday, I have redrawn the chart which is available here:

Funny old day. Initially totally flat and perfect conditions but just when I was planning a final couple of runs, the wind picked up in a flash to 18 knots from the South East and that created a bit of a sea which made it a bit rolly and unsuitable for any further accurate readings. And I didn't fancy get up close and personal any further with the shallow bits in those conditions as I was on a falling tide!

Still I think this data shows it is a viable crossing point (as some regular users know). Some evidence of the shallow bits moving northeasterly since last year - which seems to match up with the spur of the Middle Sunk growing north easterly. Given the uncertainty over Foulger's and the fact that for the Essex Rivers peeps that route is quite a bit longer, this strikes me as useful for Fisherman's Gat.

A direct line between the Barrow No 6 and the Black Deep No 7 is not possible in my view but I found not less than 3.3 metres on the most south easterly run which was half a nautical mile away from the charted position of the collapsed SW Beacon. At the time I was hoovering up data I didn't think it worth doing a run based on a transit between the Barrow No 6 and the NW Long Sand Beacon (how much longer will that stand up I wonder) since it is another ten degrees 'away' from Fisherman's Gat but I did find the visual transit slightly off to starboard useful to keep to a straight track during the ebb.

I could see three Monopiles in place over in the direction of Foulger's Gat and the jack up barge in place. I didn't take bearings but they looked to be working very close to Foulger's.

Hope this helps. Suggestions (gentle caring ones at least) always appreciated.


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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Whoops, image of the Barrow No 6 is there but was not showing! One of those strange things that I never understand. I have uploaded the file again and it is complete now. Apols to anyone who needs to download again.


9 Oct 2005
East Coast
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Gunfleet Sands

Does anyone know the depths over the gunfleet to the west of the Gunfleet old lighthouse? Say a track of 352 from the Barrow No 3?