Interested to hear why the question would be better answered on boatdiesel? Seems to me it has been answered perfectly adequately here, with plenty of points to investigate.
With absolutely no respect you stupid tit, you have ended up saying exactly the same as me.
As a general rule what I said holds true. In both posts to this thread.
When one is asking for advice one aught to avail one's peers with as many facts as possible. In your case of course such is not needed or required. There is a very good reason for that!
Thankyou for all of your expert opinions but im afraid none of you got close to the problem. The engine was overheating brcause.......the oil cooler was clogged solid !!! The oil test and compression test said the engine was in very good condition. Thanks again
There was no unnecessary expense was there ? the $25 to subscribe to your recommended website nearly was!! This ones free and you get very wide and diverse opinions from people nice enough to give them. Boating is expensive enough without encouraging pay sites just for eachothers opinions
Recommended by eddieperkins not me; as I wasn't aware that it was a subscription site, I'll amend my observation to the recommendation that involved amongst the lowest unneccesary expense.
My point was that if people rely on information from forums, they could spend money they don't need to. There would have been significant unneccesary expense if you had followed much of the advice on here, and your problem would not have been solved. Did you by any chance know what was wrong before you posted?
Problem is, it's almost impossible to advise a 100% solution when not all of the facts are presented and possibly the symptoms are not accurately described. Even knowing the diagnosis I am hard pressed to relate it to the description that was given.
The advice given and taken was to have a compression test. This eliminated many of the suggested causes of the smoking. It then proved necessary to carry out further investigations, which no doubt many here could also have advised. This was a pretty unusual failure, maybe indicating another problem with coolant supply. But I agree with you that some advice given can be suspect and it would be unwise to take everything read here for granted. Since there are often directly opposing views this would be difficult to do!
I entirely agree. If someone has a problem and wants to know roughly in what area they should be looking, they will on these pages get a range of opinions -some more sound than others - as to what MIGHT be wrong. The problem for anyone who tries to help is that the symptoms or the problem may not have been either identified or described correctly, or some key facts may have been overlooked as irrelevant.
This particular case, which is now described to us as the result of a blocked oil cooler is just that. Most of us who know diesel engines would have spotted that sort of fault quite early on. Like Vyv, I would not expect a blocked oil cooler to cause the kind of problems that were described in the original posting. Other symptoms should have been (and probably were) present.
Anyone seeking advice on these boards will get just that: advice based on the information given. If I do give advice, it is just that - advice. It is not a full diagnosis of what is actually wrong. Quite often, I hear subsequently that the pointers I have given were in the right direction, because I have been working with diesels for a long time and have a fair idea of the sort of things one can expect to find. The same goes for a number of other contributors.
But anyone who goes out and replaces their engine without further checking in situ by an engineer, simply because someone on this board said its probably clapped, deserves to have to foot the bill!